The Diary Game #40: Share your day with us!

in hive-168072 •  10 months ago 
Today was quiet very dull and cold due to the weather, it was less stressful and with less activities.



I got up very late in the morning due to the fact that I was tired and stressed the previous day. I got up by 8:00 am which was the time for my first lectures, it was raining heavily and I really felt cold so I slept back because I know there was almost no possibility of attending the class. I later woke again by 10:00 am and I said my prayers and got up to prepare for my next class because I did not want to miss lectures again. I left for my class by 11:40 am and the class started by 12 pm, after the lecturer left the class I went to look for what to eat, I ate white soup and garri because it's been long and that was what I was actually craving.


After eating I proceeded for my next class, then after the class I left for my hostel.


After my lectures I was so tired and was dozing in class because the lecture took a long time, I left to the hostel and i bought cocopops and milk to eat because i was hungry.


After eating, I logged my steemit to check the progress on my last post, then I logged out and decided to have my siesta. I woke up by 6:00 pm, I went to my friend's room and stayed because we had things to discuss, after then I left to buy dinner so I could eat because I didn't want the food to finish since the meal is on high demand. After buy the food I decided to take a stroll.


I ate my dinner at 7:30 pm while seeing a movie that was released today on YouTube titled "Head of House".


The movie was quite interesting and educative. After watching the movie I started copying my notes because I have a lot of notes to copy. After copying the notes, I left to shower at exactly 9:10 pm because we will be having night prayers in my fellowship this night. The night prayers started by 9:30 pm and ended at exactly 10:30 pm, it was an awesome moment with the Lord and I'm glad I attended. After the prayers I went to my room to eat the moimoi my friend got for me.


I ate it with garri because I couldn't eat it raw, then I arranged my corner and started typing my diary game till one of my friend called me and said my friend has an asthmatic attack and I went to help her out. I came back and continue typing my diary game after she felt better.

Thank you for reading, I invite @adachukwu, @imadear and @mybest to participate in this contest.

[Mirror picture with a friend]

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