Curator Cat: Not Exactly Caturday

in hive-168194 •  10 hours ago 

Greetings Fine Felines and Hoomans of Steemlandia!

Well, we're late with the Caturday post again... this time, the Dad-Hooman says it's because we had a power outage yesterday. True enough. I was there...

Everything must be carefully inspected!

We're all feeling rather relieved that we have made it to March! February wasn't exactly a great month... in many different ways.

Now we're just hoping that March will be a whole lot better. I continue to try to find inspiration, even when the results are very meager!

Very attentive Shangri and Nala

On a completely different tack, by this time next week, it will be my 7th Steemit anniversary... I do plan to make a separate post for that.

It's hard to believe it has already been almost seven years... that's a long time to operate an all-cats, all the time blog!

Sleeping on the ironing board is cool!

Other exciting news is that the Daughter-Hooman is going to have her baby later in March!

I know the Hoomans are very excited about becoming grandparents (again!) but I am not sure how well babies and cats mix. I think I shall watch from a distance, for a while.

Nala getting a little morning sun!

My Steemit goals are progressing very slowly these days... I guess that means I'm going to have to step up my blogging game!

This is still one of the rare Steemit accounts that has never powered down, in its entire 7-year history! And we plan to keep it that way!

Smudge, being fluffy in the sunshine!

Well, better get this posted before another day passes by, while we're not looking!

We appreciate you stopping by to visit our little cat blog, and hope to see you again!


This is @curatorcat's 541st original top level post
Active since March 2018 and still going!
All posts are uniquely created for THIS community.
All photos are our own.

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