A Day with NEYNEY

in hive-168194 •  3 years ago 

Neyney is our precious little girl. She usually wakes up quite early.Jumping to our bed with her cute little "meow". Cute in a way that she has a very tiny voice compared to Jeepjeep. She really want to be in between us most of the time.

She loves to play hide and seek. That she already destroyed our curtains.





She's really curious about the outside world. So, we decided to open the window a bit to let her have some fresh air while she's on her climbing tree. She's really entertained with the things outside. ESPECIALLY, when the afternoon comes. There's so many kids playing in the playground and dogs were around too. It must be so entertaining for her to be able to watch them


She's so cute that she's been following me or my partner everywhere we go. The toilet is a funny one.She meows and had her little jump towards us. That's so cute.

She loves being pampered. From cutting nails to massage and so on.




And today she deserves all the little gesture that she's being appreciated and loved.

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