Don't Let Depression Beside You, my friend 💗

in hive-168194 •  2 years ago 

Don't Let Depression Beside You 🌅.jpg
Men running toward beach

Why let depression and despair control you, instead of being optimistic?

Why don't you show your happiness, for just a stumble you cover it with a sad, pale face?

You were wrong when you thought that money and prestige would make you live in luxury and peace.

Try to overcome your ilness, do not remain alone in your home. Be honest and correct your mistake.

People benefits from others experience in life, to increase their knowledge and skill along the time.

I am your friend, I will support and be loyal to you as long as you don't infringe others right or commit a crime.💕

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Un buen mensaje para iniciar la semana. El final me recordó la frase: "tus derechos terminan donde empiezan los míos". La idea es no hacer cosas que perjudiquen a los demás.
Que tengas un buen día.