in hive-168205 •  7 months ago 

Goodday everyone, i hope you guys are doing well?. Is another beautiful day and am so excited to participate in this content organized by @suboohi. Title HEARTBURN, CAUSES, PREVENTION. It is an interesting and inspiring content in which I love you guys to read my thoughts below 👇.

Before I continue, I'm inviting @entity01, @eluustanley, @rajusam to participate in wonderful content.


Heartburn is a common symptom characterized by a discomfort or actual pain caused by a digestive acid moving into the tube that carries swallowed food to your stomach.
OR, it is a burning sensation in the chest, behind your breastbone. Which occurred when stomach acid travels back to esophagus, the pipe that carries food from your mouth to your stomach.

It is caused by stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, leading to irritation and inflammation of the lining of esophagus.

✅ OBESITY Or OVERWEIGHT: Is a disorder involving excessive body fat which increases or developing the risk of GERD.
✅ EATING PARTERNS: heartburn can develop as a result of eating parterns, eating large or calorie dense meals can cause gastric.

✅ SPICY FOOD: Some spicy food with a lot of acid like, tomatoes, tomato source, citrus fruit, and vinegar alcohol also increases the risk of esophagus cancer. The more you drink the greater the risk..



✅ QUIT SMOKING: smoking is well known trigger for heartburn. The nicotine and some others chemicals in cigarettes can relax the lower esophagus sphincter as they enter the body.

✅ EAT SMALLER MEAL. Avoid eating 3 big meals a day, try eating smaller meals with snacks. This will help you reduce acid production in your stomach and lower your chances of heartburn.

✅ TABLE MANNERS. The way you eat your food can trigger heartburn, like eating too fast and talking while eating is a very bad habit that can develop heartburn.

Thanks so much for your precious time.

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Thanks so much for the support, i really appreciate 🙏