Allergies!Myths and Facts about Allergies

in hive-168205 •  2 days ago  (edited)


I hope that you are enjoying your healthy life. Health is a great blessing of Allah Almighty and we have to thank for it. As our concern is a healthy life, some diseases in the form of allergies also occur in one's life. There are various myths about allergies in various parts of life, and the facts are different. So an interesting contest! Myths and Facts about Allergies organized by @ahsansharif. This context is a great appreciation and our stepping forward towards healthy life. My little effort is the following:-

What are the most common types of allergies?

Allergies can be caused by different environmental factors along with food-related factors some common types of energy are the following:

Pollen Allergy

due to pollens of flora in spring and rainy

Food Allergy

due to foody materials spread by allergic students contribution

Pets Allergy

due to urine, saliva, and proteins in pet dander

Dust Allergy

due to some microorganisms in the dust of home and streets causing reactions

Mold Allergy

caused by airborne Mold spores in damp areas.

Insect sting Allergy

due to bee, wasp, hornet, and fire ant stings.

Drug Allergy

due to common triggers, including antibiotics.

Some others in the form of latex and fragrance and chemical allergies are also present and known to most people.


What are the three symptoms of Allergy! Explain it.

Every type of allergy has its own symptoms but the three most commonly found symptoms are the following:

Nasal Symptoms

When allergens enter the nose, then, they go toward the immune system, The immune system mistakenly considers them harmful and releases histamine, which leads to sneezing, a runny nose, and nasal congestion.

Skin Reactions

Some of the above-mentioned types of allergies cause skin reactions, and the immune system also releases histaminewhich leads to redness, itching, swelling, and hives.


Breathing Issues

It affects the respiratory system of the human body and causes inflamed, constriction, wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing. This type of allergy affects the respiratory system.

How to prevent Allergies.

The prevention measures for various allergies are different but commonly found are the following:

Avoiding Triggers

The most common and effective way of avoiding allergies is to avoid allergens. By identifying the pollens and allergens and taking prevention measures to avoid these allergens.

Strengthing Immune System

A strong immune system can easily protect us from allergens. For a strong immune system keep a healthy diet, body hydrated, exercise regularlyand prevent stress situation.

Medication and Medical Treatment

If the above is not applicable to prevent allergens then medication and medical treatment are also available. It includes antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops. The other medical treatments include immunotherapy and EpiPen.

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Explain the difference between Allergies and Colds.

Some keys are the following:


. Allergen causes
. Non contagious
. Clear and thick mucus
. Itching eyes occur
. No fever
. Duration is weeks to months
. The best treatment is to avoid allergens


. Caused by common cold virus
. Contagious
. Thick yellow or green mucus
. No itching eyes occur
. Sometimes fever occurs
. 7 to 10 days in duration
. Treatment is rest, fluids, and cold medicines

I am going to invite @ghiasahmad,@sanakhan01, and @razaali123 to join this contest and learn about allergies.


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Assalam-o-Alaikum! @adnanliaqatali,

Adnan Bhai Yar, please check your first tag. It is strange to me. I think there must be a mistake.

Thank you my dear for identifying my mistake.I have corrected it and also hoping for your entry.

Thank you very much. After getting a shock from SLC, I am about to participate such productive contests.

You are always welcome.

