Health Matters: HYGIENE

in hive-168205 •  4 months ago 

There is nothing more real than if the body is kept clean, the mind will be healthy, I begin this publication in this way, since if we feel in all its explonder our organ that is outside, our skin, if our body is outside In optimal conditions, internally we will be well and our mind will have a 1000% positive attitude towards ourselves. But how is this achieved? Well, let me say that by maintaining good hygiene of what we can touch, this is achieved. So join me and discover through my lyrics what hygiene is about.



Following the dynamics of the contest and before answering the questions already established, it is a pleasure to invite my friends @uyaiuyo, @aisyahrani and @muhammad02 to join in this contest. Now I will start answering the questions.

Why do you think personal hygiene is important for our health?

Maintaining daily personal hygiene is essential, since it prevents many viral diseases, in addition to helping the body stay clean. Personal cleanliness is something that must be done daily, even in the animal kingdom this is seen to be done daily by most creatures, it is something that they do instinctively, we human beings when reasoning, we do it aware that we must be done to avoid infections.

So it is very important to perform adequate personal hygiene several times a day, to avoid possible discomfort or illness.



What are the most important hygiene habits you think everyone should practice daily?

When it comes to hygiene, we must have daily habits that we must have, they are all important, but I can summarize them in two ways, personal habits and external habits.

Personal habits: Showers daily, at least once a day. Brush your teeth properly, two to three times a day. Wash your hands before eating, before and after going to the bathroom. Having these minimum habits would be enough for day to day.

External habits: Clean the home or place where you live, clean your clothes, clean where you eat. Change bathroom towels and bed sheets.

With this you would have a good hygiene habit.


How does hygiene affect our relationships with others?

Not having a good hygiene habit greatly influences the people we interact with or the places where we are with other people. The first thing is that natural odors emanate from the body but are unpleasant to the sense of smell. The intimate parts naturally have a particular smell after several hours, especially when waking up. If they are not cleaned, the smell will be stronger as the body warms up.

The same thing happens with the skin, after sweating all day it will have a particular smell and if it is not cleaned when it gets warm the smell becomes unpleasant. Brushing your teeth is very important since communication is daily, bad breath will drive away those who want to listen to you.

If we do not maintain good hygiene, people will not want to approach us and this will cause our circle of friends and family to distance themselves due to bad odors.



How does hygiene affect our relationships with others?

Culture is varied throughout the world, hygiene is often talked about in urbanized places where the norm wants to govern, but there are other places where, due to issues of culture or religion, you have your own customs.

There are populations where they will not bathe every day, where they will have specific days to do them, but I think that they should practice very minimal hygiene. At least in extreme climates there will be exceptions where hygiene as it is known takes other types of care.


What role do you think hygiene plays in preventing the spread of illnesses?

It is vital to maintain good hygiene despite illness. A clear example of this is when the Covid-19 pandemic was present, it was recommended to maintain personal hygiene and hygiene within the home as much as possible to put an end to the virus, including Streets were sprayed with chlorine to kill the disease.

Hygiene is essential to avoid or combat diseases, it is known that we must create antibodies, but not by getting sick due to poor hygiene practices.


Friends, I hope my publication is to everyone's liking. Blessings. See you soon.

Pure Life

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