in hive-168205 •  8 months ago 

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There's this magazine by name "Depression had to deal with", there's a reason this magazine was written and printed. Depression are much like that dangerous neighbourhood. If the feelings is prolonged it leads to anger and we may likely lose our life, that's why it's always crucial to seek help when such feelings arises.

I love the fact that my humble moderator @mesola has organised this life saving contest concerning depression and anger.

What must I do to conquer depression and anger?

screenshot from my phone jw library app

Praying and studying the Bible. (Jeremiah 29:11) can help conquer depression and anger. This is the exact remedy one man took to get rid of his depression and anger issues. The man I'm talking about was a healthy and a lover of football, but within a twinkle of an eye, he was paralyzed and couldn't perform numerous activities including football and other exercises as usual. At the age of 60 he was unable to see and this made life unbearable for him.

Not only that man, many people today are depressed because of the wretched conditions in the world. Others feel dejected because of poor health, old age or some physical handicap such as failing eyesight and all this inabililties leads to anger. So studying the Bible and knowing what our Creator, the God of comfort prepares ahead for us keeps us going.

What is different between depression and anger?

Depression is that feelings that comes with sadness, unable to participate in numerous activities and not having hope in any plans you have for life.

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Anger is that feelings that comes with frustration and injustice. Both depression and anger are like brothers, when you're depressed you're angry, so this feelings should be managed properly because it's crucial for overall well-being.

What lead us to depression?
  • Frustration
  • Lack of money
  • Bad relationship
  • Loneliness
How do we Cope With Anger and Depression?

To cope with anger and depression, you have to open up your feelings so that people will recognise and help you out. Most people don't do this because they'll think they're mentally weak which is not true.

what are the Treatment for Anger and Depression

Changing of lifestyle. Most individuals do feel depressed because of their lifestyle, for example most teenagers do gamble a lot and when they're at loss this causes depression and anger, so getting rid of this lifestyle can be a treatment for anger and depression.


Depression and anger is a very bad feelings because it's affect our health, so we humans should find a cure to this being it medically or Godly. The best advice I'll always give to the depressed people is to study the Bible and also pray to God for help. Live a simple life without depression and anger and taste the real life on earth.

I invite @darr22 @kidi40 and @us-andrew to participate in this contest.

CC; @mesola

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