Allergic Cough

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Hello friends. Here again is another activity organized by @helengutier2 on the topic allergic Cough. Most of us are allergic to one thing or another that produces effects such as cough, sneezing, watery and red eyes or other outcomes. It is essential to know what you are allergic to and how to reduce the outcome of that allergies especially if it affects your health and day-to-day activities. So lets talk about allergic cough


🤧 Have you ever had a dry cough that caused it?

Yes I've had a dry cough and infact, anytime I have a cough it's always dry.
Mine is caused by dust mostly. It happens during a period in Africa called “The Harmattan Period”. It is during the month of December. Everywhere is often so dry and dusty, it is also characterised by a cold dry breeze early in the morning and late at night, while in the afternoons it's often hot and very dusty. I mean the floors and furnitures accumulate dust like a lady's brown powder😅 and despite how often you clean, it just keeps appearing every day. So this dust particularly triggers dry cough in me.

🤧 What home remedies have you used to calm an allergic cough?

Well, Ive used a lot of things including herbs and over the counter medicine but the home remedy that works best for me is onions, ginger, bittercola and honey.
This syrup works perfectly fine
First I wash the ginger, onions, bittercola and honey


Then I grind all of the ingredients together


Them I sieve the water out


Next, I put three spoonful of honey and mix it well


I drink that morning and evening and it clears my throat and eliminate the dryness and cough

🤧 How long has a dry cough episode lasted and how do you manage it?

A particular cough episode I had lasted for one week straight. It was a horrible experience. The inability to sleep at night, chestpain due excessive cough, discomfort and even sore throat was very much there, but I took over the counter medicine for that episode because it was really strong and home remedies wasn't just the solution.

🤧 What are you allergic to that causes you to cough uncontrollably

I am allergic to dust especially, and the aroma of fried foods, spicy foods or roasted foods. That smoky smell causes cough and sneezing immediately and so I try to avoid such places or even cook such foods.

Finally, cough is experienced by everyone either dry or producing cough, that's why it is important to have necessary products like ginger and other food products that can be used to lessen the effect and reduce the discomfort. For my fellow friends in Africa and especially here in Nigeria, we're entering the “harmattan period” again and the dust can be really discomforting. Wearing a mask, using hot products like balms and avoiding cold drinks can go a long way in making us all feel fine.

Thanks for reading friends ♥️

I invite @yousafharoonkhan @eliany @ulfatulrahmah

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