Health Matters ; "Hygiene" - Week 11

in hive-168205 •  4 months ago 

The incidence of disease can be controlled and reduced by proper method of hygiene both personal and in the community.


Why do you think personal hygiene is important for our health?

Personal hygiene is important thing to life. It will improve both physical and physical and mental well-being, prevent the body from any form of illness. The health is affected most with bacteria, virus, fungi when the body is leave unkept but when the body is clean the risk of being affected will reduce.

In order to stay free, regular shower, proper washing/ handling of food and fruit, washing of hands/using of hand sanitizer, brushing/flossing will help prevent discomfort, tooth ache, take care of body odor, reduce stress, improve quality sleep, reduce skin condition and many more.

What are the most important hygiene habits you think everyone should practice daily?

An healthy habits is very essential to our well-being, thefore daily habits we should practice is to

✔️ Regular bathe, using soap, Spong and clean water.

✔️ Hands should be properly wash (before and after eating, after bathroom use, after coughing, sneezing and blowing of nose)

✔️ Brush teeth at least twice a day, with toothpaste that contain fluoride.

✔️ Use a good deodorant/antiperspirant for good body breathe.

✔️ Waste should be dispose properly and keep living/environment space clean.

✔️ Fingernails and toenails should be trim regularly.

✔️ Make sure you wear clean clothe, especially underwears.

How does hygiene affect our relationships with others?

Our health is very crucial when it comes to relationship. It brings a lot of respect, confidence, self-esteem as well as overall wellbeing. To practice this, one has to look at;

  • Respect: Hygienic person will be highly respected because it's will make other people to feel very comfortable been close to him.

  • Confidence: The health is very important as such good hygiene boost and contributes in making interaction more interesting and enjoyable. It will also make you as individual to feeling better.

  • Self-esteem: When you're negligent because of not taking cleanliness into consideration, you will lose self-esteem.

  • Foster intimacy: The Physical appearance, closeness to a partner matters a lot. A good hygiene practices will help gives each other the comfort it deserves.

  • Promote social acceptance: To avoid been embarrass publicly or talk of the gathering, hygiene practice is neccessary

How do cultural differences influence hygiene practices around the world?

Looking at the world, many culture has their ways of practicing a hygiene habit. Many culture, tend not to pay attention to the necessary tools of hygienic habit, forgetting when this is done, it will promote the culture sensitivity to wellbeing. The hygiene practices influences ranges from the beliefs, socioeconomic condition, values, historical experiences.


Using the Aboki that are Muslim for instance. This culture believes on using their hands to wash their anus as many times and will still uses the same hands in picking condemn things on the road,waste disposal places and still buy and eat with properly washing the hand with soap. Whereas some cultures make uses of the toilet paper.

Some culture also believes that certain ways of practicing hygiene are not necessary or effective like eating with hand which is very common in many cultures expecially the Africans.

What role do you think hygiene plays in preventing the spread of illnesses?

The vital role played by hygiene in the body cannot be overemphasized. When keeping or observing the simple steps of staying hygienic, it will prevent you from illness and keep the body at a proper level because the precursions you took into consideration has improved your immune system to boost, therefore having a strong immunity to fight against diseases, viruses and bacteria.

Inviting @joymm, @enddy and @dequeen.

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Thank you @ninapenda