Assalamoalikum everyone! I hope you all are doing great and enjoying your,in this post i am taking part in a contest and the topic is about appendix which i think is a wonderful topic because now a days many people are suffering from appendicitis..
where is appendix located and how much severe appendix pain?
Picture from pixabay
Appendix is a vestigial organ that means it has no use in human is a hollow tube that is present at the end of the large intestine in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen in right iliac fossa but if any food particle or any foriegn object trapped in it it will cause inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis)and is very painful..pain first accurs in the belly button then moves to the right iliac fossa because during development appendix is firstly placed at the centre of the abdomen then moves towards the right iliac fossa and pain can be be worsen by coughing ,movement or touch and is very harmful condition and appendix have to be removed immediately because if it rapture it can be fatal...
Have you ever been suffered from appendix pain?
No,i have never been suffered from appendix pain Alhamdullillah..but yes i had seen my close family members suffering from appendicitis
what's an immediate action you need to take after appendix pain?
Picture from pixabay
As i have already told in the previous paragraph that if you experience sever pain in the lower quadrent of the abdomen in right iliac fossa it is an emergency situation should seek medical emergency immediately because you need surgery and avoid eating and drinking anything because if it rapture it can be fatal
So,this is all about the contest topic and i hope you all will like it.AND at the end i would like to invite @hiralytical @suboohi @aliarubab @faran_nabeel to take part in this wonderful contest
Regards @bismalaraib