Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Synthesized Foods

in hive-168205 •  20 days ago  (edited)


Hello Healthy Steemians I am delighted to write to you all about a new blog post i will be looking forward on starting, this is a very eductative blog which will go a long way to provide useful and uncommon knowledge about foods. Being a foodie myself i want to resort to eating healthy foods, so knowing what you eat will go a long way to saving your life.

Look at all the food related diseases starting from allergies, obesity, high cholesterol, constipation, food poisoning, are mostly caused by the fact of the individual not knowing what they are eating. This goes a long way to reducing standards of living and also life span of individuals. Well with this blog, i will tackle the doubts and knowledge gaps so please stay tuned, every Monday... for sessions of Eat healthy, live healthy.

Synthesized Foods

Today we will be learning about synthesized foods and what they are all about, where they come from, their applications, their benefits and setbacks. After this session you will have knowledge of all these starting from Definition to setbacks.


Synthesized foods are foods created by chemicals products and chemical processes or technological processes rather than being gotten from natural means.

How they are made

Synthesized foods are made from a whole bunch of things and organisms some of them includes;
Chemical compounds Such as amino acids, which can be combined to create a food substance.
Microorganisms such as yeasts, algae used to produce food products after being fermented.
Animal-based products such as gelatin, whey, collagen processed for food.
Plant-based plants probide starche, fibres and proteins which can be processed for food.

Examples Of Synthesized Foods

Some well known examples of synthesized foods which i will list here.

Food additives

Commonly used food additivessource

Food additives are substances which are added to foods to enhance their flavors, appearance and shelf life. Additives can be preservatives, colorants, flavors, antioxidants etc. They are synthesized from several chemical and organic compounds.

Artificial Sweeteners

Powdered artificialsweeteners source

Made from the combination of chemicals which can produce a sweet tatse. Sweeteners either come in powder or liquid form and some examples are saccharin, sucralose and aspartame.

Diary alternatives

Some of the plant based milks from grainssource

Otherwise known as plant based milk and cheese because of them being made from plants and chemical synthesis. They are the milk of choice for vegetarians who prefer plants rather than animal diary products

Meat alternatives

Plant based meat source

Meat made from plants, the meat is synthesized from plant proteins and it looks like meat but not meat. Alternative meat is eaten by vegetarians, people with animal product allergies.

Synthesized Vitamins

Some synthesized vitaminssource

Creates through chemical sythesis and used to enhance nutritional values of meals. They are added to other foods such as drinks, milk shakes and some examples are vit B12, B1, B5.

Benefits of Synthesized Foods

Food Security
With a growing world population,.there's a growing need for food and so synthesized foods provides an added source of nutrition.

Reduced Environmental imapcts
As a result of decreased food resources, the environment suffers loss of plants and animals for the sake of meat, and other food sources which can be substituted or reduced with the production of synthesized foods.

Increased convenience
Why go through a whole process of extracting vitamins from plants and animals, extracting sugars from sugarcane, milking cows to get milk when you can create a chemical combination and get these foods. Reduced costs is assured with synthesized foods.


Despite the benefits of synthesized foods, there are many drawbacks to these efficient and effortless food sources...

Regulatory challenges
The making of synthesized foods comes with a lot of complications since it involves chemical synthesis and there are some risk factors and some regulations to follow to avoid harming individuals.

Health Risks
There are some health risks involved with synthesized foods which is mostly on allergic reactions but sometimes on the production process of some dubious companies who want to maximize gains at the detriment of their customers.

Environmental challenges
Though synthesized foods prevents the loss of ecosystems, it is also not very a sustainable source of food since the process produces a lot of chemical by products which cause harm to the environment when disposed.

Lack of Natural nutrients
The most horrible darwback of syntheiszed foods is the lack of that natural touch of natural nutrients. This is a major cause of some food related diseases, caused by deficiencies in the natural nutrients that the body needs.

This is where i end pur session and i will be seeing ypu all again next week with more exciting topics on foods and health and i wish and pray for your comments to improve on our sessions.


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