SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺"

in hive-168205 •  10 months ago 

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Just sip a little. You can't be a kid forever, Dave told Fred. You're of age and you can't man up. Your mates are drinking 5 bottles of Beer but you're struggling with one. See, you need to learn how to become a man because drinking these will make you active and authoritative. Fred manage to finish a bottle. He was given another of which he struggled with. In no time, Fred felt the whole world was on top of his head.

His thoughts and thinking change and his brain was just spinning. Fred wasn't aware of his environment and slept off. He woke up seeing himself on a bed with a lady beside him. He was shocked but couldn't remember anything that happened. He was raped. He regretted falling into pressure to consume alcoholic drinks when he knew he didn't just have the strength of capacity. Is there more to this topic? Yes.

When can we say that a person is an alcoholic? Give reasons for your answer

When we say someone is an alcoholic, it doesn't mean a person who drinks alcohol as almost everyone drinks but a person who takes drinking as a hobby. He doesn't control his intake of this alcohol and it becomes a problem. Why do I say so? When someone makes it a habit or pattern of consuming alcohol excessively leading to negative effects in body metabolism, lifestyle and mental well-being, he's therefore an alcoholic.

Let's take an instance of Food. People who eat food in moderation and people food excessively and classified as gluttons are different people. A person who eats excessively at all times and makes it a habit can be called a foodie.

So a person who consumes alcohol excessively, uncontrollably and makes it a habit which leads to addiction is called an alcoholic. So we shouldn't see anyone taking in alcohol and then judge the person as an alcoholic. It is sometimes difficult and easy to know who an alcoholic is.

Do you think alcohol is a drug? justify your answer!

I personally won't go into details as I'll use logic to explain this. I'll consider alcohol a drug because from the definition of drugs in chemistry terms, is any chemical substances when introduced into the body alters both positively and negatively the physiological function of the body.


This best explains alcohol too as it involves mixtures of certain chemical compounds that can be good and bad to the body depending on how it's used. If one takes drugs in overdose, we all know there's a big effect. So if one takes alcohol excessively in overdose, it may lead to detriments in one's health be in imminently or on the long run.

Can alcoholism be considered a disease? How to control it!

It can be a disease mentally which affects the central nervous system which also affect one's behaviour and lifestyle. Just as it's said smokers are liable to die young and they do have heart and liver failure in most cases, alcohol can act that way if taken excessively and not in moderation. It's said too much of everything is a disease. This is very much applicable as alcohol can affect one's liver and heart can be affected. Stroke and high blood pressure can result.


How to control? Alcoholics can actually break free from this habit even though it's late by meeting a therapist and psychologist to aid his brain health. He should also stay aware of quit friends who indulge in excessive drinking. This will also help him quit such practice. Same with those who are non-alcoholics. Drinking is not bad but should be controlled.

Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?

I'll say no because I'm a drinker but I do so in moderation. This doesn't make me an alcoholic. As explained earlier, an alcoholic is one who drinks excessively without control and the aftermath is seen in his behaviour as this alcohol can change one's perspective and lifestyle. It's not that alcohol is bad. It's the use of this alcohol by people that makes it bad. So when you see someone drink, don't judge that person of him being an alcoholic. Everything in life is dependent on the person.


In conclusion, alcohol was and is still one of the best medicine to stomach ache and body pains. Many need this alcohol to be active to go to work while some may fumble when they drink just a bottle. If you body system can't carry, don't force yourself of be pressurised to do so. Quit from friends who make it a habit as this can have influence on us as well. While we stay healthy, let's minimise the intake of alcohol.

I invite @emmy01, @josepha and @artist1111

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Saludos amigo.

Es muy cierta la historia que nos cuentas creo que eso se repite constantemente sobre todo en la adolescencia que es donde hay más fragilidad de pensamiento y criterio propio. Y los jóvenes caen en este vicio por presión social.

Quienes se sumergen en el alcohol difícilmente logran salir de él y para hacerlo necesitan mucha ayuda porque el Alcoholismo es una grave enfermedad.

Has hecho una exposición muy detallada del tema muchos éxitos.

You're right brother. Thanks for adding value to my post

I want to believe, it is not just alcohol that puts you in this condition. Just as you have said, excess taking of alcohol is bad. At least, if we want to take, we should take little, in order not to get carried away by alcohol.


Success to you and thanks for inviting me.

😂😂😂😂😂😂...... Thanks for your comment

@tipu curate

Taking alcohol in moderation isn't bad but letting it to be your life dependent is what I can't explain. It will lead to a path of no return and eventually destruction set in. I hope it shouldn't be what I am thinking concerning the second picture 😹😹😹

It's what you think oh....I just sip small....

Hope it didn't blow you down. Let me do a quick examination ✌️. How many fingers is that? 😹😹

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@bossj23 your entry is really educative as alcohol isn't that preferable to human health, excess of it affects the brain response causing dullness and so forth.

Your pictures is really funny and interesting to watch,
Good luck on this.

Thanks for your comment. I just thought of something creative

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit." (Ephesians 5:6)

We should rather be filled with the holy spirit and not with wine. Excess wine is not good with the body.

Thanks for making this biblical point.

Lamentablemente el alcoholismo es una enfermedad adquirida y puede ser evitable. Es un asunto de educación que permita advertir y crear consciencia del problema de salud que puede provocar la ingesta excesiva y sistemática de alcohol.

También muchos caen presos de la presión social para consumir alcohol para sentirse aceptados socialmente y usarán cualquier pretexto cultural y tradicional para involucrarse cada vez más.

Cuando se cae en el vicio difícilmente se puede salir de allí y retomar el control de tu vida al ciento por ciento.

No hay nada mejor que tener salud física y mental, el consumo de alcohol es un riesgo innecesario que puede cambiar tu vida y tus seres queridos para siempre.

Gracias por tan excelente contenido. T
¡Te deseo mucha suerte y éxitos!

I really appreciate

The worst thing is that excess alcohol and then a person does not remember his behavior. A moral hangover and a wasted day. As for the smell control, I think that in these times where so much bad is happening in the world a person is more prone to drinking alcohol. Have a nice day!👊