"Hablemos de automedicarnos"

in hive-168205 •  20 hours ago 

Hello to all my steemian friends

Hablemos de automedicarnos - Concurso By @helengutier2


[My own picture]
There is no fixed limit to the use of internet. Every day new uses of it are coming to us.

Yes, it is true to a great extent that nowadays people do not go to the doctor in case of pain, rather they simply enter a search engine and enter their disease. Internet teaches them various types of diagnosis and treatment.

People are very curious to know about the use of medicines. They start searching on the internet from use to side effects. Then no matter which profession the person belongs to, he starts considering himself an expert in medicines.

My husband is related to the medical department, he has also done a course in nursing, he often keeps telling. And the other person searches something or the other on Google and forms his opinion according to that and then insists on getting tests done as per internet research. And many times, after reading about the side effects of medicines, they stop taking medicines.

(1) How often do you research on the internet about any of your symptoms?

I never research about any of my symptoms on the internet because I feel that sometimes it can have very harmful results.

My husband is well-versed in medicines, so he keeps some common medicines at home which we can use whenever we have body pain or minor illness.

Sometimes when we feel something is wrong, we go straight to the doctor.

(2) Do you believe that the information you get on the internet is real or should you confirm it by consulting a doctor?

The information available on the internet can sometimes be correct but most of the time it is harmful because it gives too much information which can cause trouble to the patient. And sometimes it can even lead to depression. Therefore, I feel that Googling about your diseases can often be more harmful than beneficial.

(3) I know that the health system in many of our countries is a bit lacking but you are used to self-medicating or whenever you feel any symptom you go to the emergency room in your country.

However I keep medicines at home for minor ailments.

Because consulting medical care every time means spending at least 3000-4000 rupees and middle class families do not have that much budget to spend on ailments.

But if I do not get relief from those medicines, I go straight to the doctor.


(4) Do you self-medicate because you think it is something simple or are you afraid of going to the doctor and finding out that you have something more serious.

Yes, I self-medicate for minor ailments because I think it is something simple but I am not afraid of going to the doctor at all if something serious happens. Because I believe that if something serious happens, we will come to know about it only by going to the doctor and if the disease is found at the right time, then it can be treated properly. By being afraid, we will aggravate the disease and sometimes it happens that the disease increases so much that it becomes incurable.

I hope and believe that you all liked my post. I am sharing some pictures of my creation. All pictures are mine.
I invite my 3 friends. @krishna001, @abi24 and @john247

Thanks for reading and waching my post


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