SEC S20W5 || Hemolytic Anemias - Module 5

in hive-168205 •  5 days ago 

Dear steemit family! I hope that all will be well. I'm here for participating in the SEC-S20W5 organized by @dexsyluz. The topic is "Hemolytic Anemia". So get started;


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Define Hemolytic Anemias

Hemolysis anemia is a kind of disturbance or disorder in body which occurs due to immature death of red blood cells. Hemolytic anemia results in anemia (in layman's language lack of blood in body). In this disorderness the death of red blood cells occurs very fastly as compare to their replacing which cause fatigue, yellowish of skin and eyes, darkening of urine and jaundice.

Hemolytic anemia is of two types intravascular and extravascular. Mean if destruction of red blood cells occurs within formal veins it is called intravascular hemolysis. And if this destruction occurs outside the veins e.g in spleen than if will called extravascular hemolysis. Hemolytic anemia can be caused by any disorder which is autoamune. Inherited disorder can also cause hemolytic anemia. If someone facing disorder of sickle cell anemia or thalassemia, he can also face hemolytic anemia. If someone using pencilline or quinine than he will suffer with this disorder. Severe blood disorders like leukemia and lymphoma can also provoke to hemolytic anemia.

Mainly this condition is treated by using medicines, transfusion of blood or removal of spleen. If someone is facing any problem mention above, he should go for lab investigation. First he should be tested his blood, indirect bilirubin is crucial for the confirmation of hemolytic anemia.

Define Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disorder that effects the normal production of hemoglobin in the body. Due to deficiency of hemoglobin, red blood cells stops their normal growth thus become sickle shaped (misshapen) and more susceptible to break easily. This is called sickle cell anemia. A person who is facing sickle cell anemia we see he will suffer in continues episodes of sharp pain, low energy in overall body, yellowish of skin and eyes as happen in jaundice and patience become more susceptible to attack of infection.


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Inherited mutation as occurs in HBB it can cause sickle cell anemia. Beside this any disturbance in HG can also cause sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia also effect other internal organs like heart, kidney and lungs and also cause blindness of eyes, stroke and sever pain. Blood transfusion can be done for it's treatment. In antibiotics a patient can recommend hydroxyurea for it's cure. In last stage doctor recommend of stem cell transplant. It is slow process but very effective for treatment of sickle cell anemia.

Intravascular hemolysis vs extravascular hemolysis
CharacteristicsIntravascular HemolysisExtravascular Hemolysis
OccurrenceInside the blood veinsoutside the veins e.g in spleen
RBC destructionexplosive, act very quickly and destroy RBCslow progressive, phagocytic
Causesautoimmune, toxic chemicals and infectantsliver damage, cancer and spleen desturbance
Symptomsacute, severe and palenesslethergy, chronic
Laboratory testsRaised direct bilirubin level, LDHreticulocyte, reduced haptoglobin
TreatmentFocused on root cause, transfusionsSpleen removal, medication and transfusion
Explain a case of Hemolytic Anemia

Assume there's a female of 25 years old, she was suffering from hemolytic anemia. She went for checkup to doctor and after examined doctor recommended some specific tests. Like blood test, combs test and for checking indirect bilirubin level in the body. She went to lab and lab technician took some basic samples needed for these tests. In blood test she came to know that her hemoglobin level was 8g/dl which was low from normal HG level. Her reticulocyte level was also elevated 25%.


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After seeing the reports doctor came to know that her bilirubin level was also 4mg/dl. In her reports some antibodies against blood also found. After seeing all results doctor labeled her a patient of hemolytic anemia. For treatment doctor recommended some specific antibiotics, immunoglobulin therapy, blood transfusion, removal of spleen and some corticosteroids injections. When patient used these medicines, after three about two weeks she acknowledged that her symptoms of hemolytic anemia were started to resolve.

I'm inviting @solaymann, @neelofer, @josepha and @mohammadfaisal for participating in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post.

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