"Do you know what Dentistry is?"

in hive-168205 •  5 months ago  (edited)

Hello beautiful and lovely steemains and thanks @helengutier2 for organizing this contest "Do you know what Dentistry is?"


Do you know why dental pain always occurs at night?

Yes! Dental pain is not a pain one should joke with. When I was growing up as a child, what my father thought us was how to take care of our teeth which was:

1.After 6:30pm we are not allowed to eat anything in our mouth

2.After we all finished eating, we wait for interval of 3 minutes before we brush our teeth waiting bed time. That was the rules base on teeth in my house.

Why dental pain always occurs at night is because:
1.When one lie down to sleep, more temperature flows to the head and that can cause force that compels on the mouth to make the tooth pain worse.

2.Grinding of teeth is commonly at night and that can cause extra force that compels on the teeth.

3.Intense food, beverages and liquids intake late night before bed time can cause excited to an abnormal condition like cavities etc.

Many people use natural medicine to relieve dental pain, tell me which one you have used or which one you know?

I know about two
1.Cloves oil
2.Guava leaves. But the one I have used and is very effective is:

1000003445.jpg Guava leaves

Herbal is the easiest way and is natural, that's how I was trained by my parents. Is not until I have dental pain before I do chew or boil the leaf and use. I do use it twice a week for me and my family just to keep our teeth in check.

Guava leaves
Guava as a lot to play when it comes to human immune system. From the fruit itself to the leaves have so many benefits but, I want to talk about the Guava Leaves benefits for my teeth.

1.Guava leaves have minerals that can strengthen teeth like iron, vitamin Band C, manganese, potassium, magnesium etc that can tone down pain that toothache will cause.

2.Guava leaves help to whitening my teeth and control plaque that may be in my teeth because it as antibacterial and antimicrobial in them.

3.Guava leaves can help to kill bad breath with flavonoids that can fight bacteria that causes toothaches.

Guava leaves can be used in two methods by chewing the fresh guava leaf or By boiling the leaf and use it as mouth wash.

Method One:

1.Pluck the quality of the leaf you want from the tree

2.Wash it very well because some of the leaf do have this small ants on them so u have to wash well

3.Then chew the leaf till the leaf juice in your mouth reach the affected tooth. The leaf should be crushed in order to activate it anti- inflammatory properties.

Method Two:


1.Pluck the quality of the leaf you want from the tree

2.Wash it very well because some of the leaf do have this small ants on them so u have to wash well and put it on your cooking pot then on your cooking gas.

3.Boil the guava leaf until the water inside the pot change color and off the gas, let it cold then put in a glass cup

  1. Use it the solution from the guava leaf and rise your mouth twice a day for fast relief.


This is the solution I do take with my family twice a week and if I forget my wife will always remember it.

Do you use Self-medication or do you go to a consultation to find out the origin and treatment plan for your discomfort?

I do use self medication first and if the symptoms worsen I have to consult my family doctor.

Combination of Home remedies with dental practice like brushing teeth twice daily is good and self medication is for minor issues but is better when any symptom persist for long we have to consult our family doctor and assistant.

Conclusion: we should all be careful base on our health. Don't always wait until you start feeling the pains before you act. There are nutrients form different plants we eat has fruits let us take advantage of them for they are medicinal high in nutrients.

Thank you for reading my post

My invite @dove11 @eveetim @mercybill

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My husband usually have this toothache especially at night as it's stated. Your post has exposed me to the common remedy for the pains. I'll prepare this for him since you've used and you've also confirm it to be effective.
Thank you for the invitation, best wishes sir.

Yes, is very effective. Just do any of the method. Thank you for reading my post I appreciate

You're welcome


Hola @emmaprince, un placer saludarte

Que bueno que en tu casa te enseñaron buenos hábitos para cuidar tus dientes, eso es muy importante para la salud en general.

Así es amigo, en la noche el dolor de muelas ataca más porque sube la presión de la sangre.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

Thank you and I appreciate you for reading my post ♥️



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