Fever types

in hive-168205 •  6 months ago 

Greetings friends


What are types of fever?

There are several types of fever, including:Fever is classified into several forms, they include the following:

  1. Low-grade fever: A slightly higher temperature in the body which may be slightly below or slightly above one hundred degree centigrade. 4°F (38°C).

  2. Intermittent fever: Infections which are usually presented by cyclic fevers that have normal temperature in between.

  3. Remittent fever: Diaphory that is higher and does not return to normal temperature of the body throughout the time of the certain disease.

  4. Continuous fever: Low variation between the low level and normal level of the thermometers coupled with steady and quite high body temperature levels.

  5. **Hectic fever:Temperature, the fever with fluctuations and temperature rising steeply.

  6. **Pel-Ebstein fever:Organisms diseases include, particularly Hodgkin’s disease which manifest cyclic fever- Clinical.

The different fevers may give clue about the cause and therefore, treatment of the illness may be well managed.

What kind of fever is considered most dangerous?

The worst kind of fever may be that which is high grade, protracted and associated with symptoms that might compromise the life of the individual. Temperatures higher than 104°F (40°C) should raise concern, especially in adults because they may be a harbingers of a more severe condition including a bacterial infection or sepsis or heat stroke. Any fever that is not gone after 72 hours of taking medications, antipyretics or which comes with signs like difficulty in breathing, chest pains, confusion, or severe dehydration should be checked by a doctor.


In children, fevers above 100 causes poor scholastic achievement and therefore interventions should be sought as soon as possible. Its dangerous as well when the temperature goes to 4°F (38°C), mainly for children below 3 months. High fevers need to be closely watched as well as treated quickly in order to avoid negative effects or further development of the resisting germ, or bacterium.

What is your famous home remedy to get relief from fever quickly?

My famous home remedy that i do used to help bring down fever within a short period is use of cold compress and this involves washing a clean cloth or i do use a towel and then dipping it into cool water before rinsing out any excess water to apply it on my forehead, neck or all my body.

As well, the cool compress also has an advantage of constricting the blood vessels and lowering inflammation therefore this helps in reducing a fever. All you have to do is to ensure that the compress is not very cold in order not to bring discomfort or harm the patients skin.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting @emmy01, @chant and @joymm to participate.


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