My Daily Healthy Dynamics 🚬- A cigarette and perspectives on it

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Hello healthy steemians, happy to share about healthy content in the topic "My Daily Healthy Dynamics". The world seems to be divided in two, it is about smoking and not smoking, so which part are you on?

Link in bio_20240627_071754_0000.png

A person's lifestyle can be influenced by their circle of friends, and it is human nature that what looks exciting will become something that is considered worth trying. Curiosity is the beginning of the intention towards satisfaction. Smoking is now a phenomenon in people's social lives that seems to be a habit or some have considered it a necessity.

I once tried smoking, as 97% of my friends did, when I was in my first semester at university, but I didn't find any enjoyment from the butts and I gave it up. Smoking becomes a measure of whether someone is cool or not, which I think is a naive reason for someone to start their smoking career. Yes, I admit that there was an influence on my self-confidence when I was around those who were proud of their smoky activities. I try to keep walking in my strong belief that smoking will not change anything or even harm?

It's interesting that when it comes to smokers and their unique arguments, some of my friends have expressed phrases like this:

  1. If I don't smoke, I don't feel calm
    I wonder how calmness can be controlled by such a small and weak object.

  2. I need cigarettes more than food
    I became even more confused, maybe cigarettes can relieve hunger.

  3. Even those who don't smoke get sick and die first.
    I completely agree, no one knows about lifespan, because even the healthy ones do not guarantee to have a longer life than the sick ones.

According to World Health Organization statistics in 2020, Indonesia ranked first in tobacco use among adult males.

Source: X

The fact behind the data is no less interesting, there is one of the leaders of the largest cigarette company in Indonesia revealed that he does not smoke, with a very wise reason "Smoking is an adult choice and not smoking is my choice".

With science that continues to develop, of course there has been accurate research on the impact caused by smoking, although there may be smokers who do not care about it, I would like to remind some of the diseases caused by toxins from cigarette smoke, including:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic lung disease
  • Stroke and heart attack

Warnings written on cigarette boxes

Yes, again, life is a choice, not about right and wrong, because each has an argument that is believed. Every choice will lead to consequences borne by oneself.

Stay healthy,

I would like to invite @miftahulrizky, @lil.albab and @munanda to participate in this exciting contest.

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Saya setuju dengan anda, kenapa harus mencoba merokok hanya ingin di katakan keren, lebih keren lagi orang yang tidak merokok. Sukses untuk kontes anda

Saya telah memutuskan untuk tidak merokok, dan saya teguh dengan pendirian saya itu.

Namun seperti yang saya ungkapkan bahwa setiap orang bebas menentukan pilihan dan siap menerima konsekuensinya.

Terimakasih Buk, Semoga kesehatan selalu menyertai keluarga kita.

Bagus Pak Fajrul, semoga hal positif yang anda lakukan juga bisa mempengaruhi orang sekitar anda


Benar2 perspektif yang sangat sehat bg, rokok emng racun nikmat bagi banyak orang, tapi bahayanya ga pernah nikmat. Sukses selalu 👍👍

Terimakasih Pak, itu perspektif saya, dan tentu kita menghargai perspektif dari para perokok.

Yang saya yakini tidak ada orang yang ingin berbuat keburukan untuk diri sendiri.

Rasa nikmat memang menjadi alasan utama.

Merokok sangat berbahaya apapun alasannya. Kita harus membayar mahal untuk sebuah kesehatan akibat merokok. Merokok juga membahayakan orang sekitar seperti anak-anak.

Setuju Buk, bahaya rokok memang tidak bisa ditolerir, akan tetapi tingkat kesadaran masyarakat masih minim, karena dampak negatifnya tidak langsung terlihat secara kasat mata dalam waktu yang singkat.

Dulu suami saya juga merokok, kemudian berhenti dan menggantinya dengan permen, tapi cuma 3 bulan kemudian dia merokok lagi. Saya tidak marah dan tidak juga melarangnya, karena yang beli juga pakai uang dia, cuma tidak boleh di dalam rumah, kalau mau rusak ya sendiri jangan bawa-bawa keluarga. Dan Alhamdulillah sudah 5 tahun ini dia tidak lagi merokok, nudah-mudahan selamanya.🤗

Alhamdulillah, saya senang mendengar cerita suami ibuk telah berhasil keluar dari zona berasap itu.

Beberapa orang yang saya kenal juga pernah mencoba untuk berhenti, ada yang berhasil, semua tergantung dari niat dan kemauan yang kuat.

Semoga suami ibuk istiqomah👌🏽

Aamiin insya Allah