Know about your friends

in hive-168205 •  7 months ago 


You best friends know you well-sometimes better than you do yourself-and are not afraid to tell you things you don't want to tell yourself.

They will judge you without a bias and show you what is right and what is not.

They will always criticise you for your wrong things and will help you shed the immature parts of your personality and become a better person.

The true friends will not crumble their words and criticize the parts of you that need to be criticized. The honest opinions and advice that you receive from your best friends will make you an overall improved person.

Best friends are extended family

You can't choose your family members, but you can choose your friends. Friends are the family you get to choose, your brother from another mother or your sister from another mister. Best friends are your extended family. Sometimes you may have difficulty with your own family.

You may feel misunderstood, misjudged, ridiculed, or even ignored. In that case, your best friends often fill in for what is not provided by your own family.

It would be best, if you can find a good friend in your own family. It may be your spouse, siblings and cousins. Your parents or children as your good friends can be the best case scenario.

Good friends are your Comfort Zone

Friend circle of good and real friends create a Comfort zone for you. They accept you as you are... your all merits and demerits, your strengths and weaknesses, your all good and bad habits. You can be what you are, you don't need to hide something show something else in front of them. True friends support and encourage you, tolerate your shortcomings, accept you unconditionally, and care for you no matter what. You can share, discuss and explore your feelings with them. You feel comfortable in the company of friends. Your life is like an open book to them and they already know all the inner details of your life.

Best Friends for good Mental & Physical Health

Healthy friendships of good friends crate healthy environment surrounding you. Good friends become increasingly important to health and happiness as you grow old and add more years to your age. According to one of the newest studies, the childhood friends are most valuable when for your health and well-being. Last year, in the journal one paper was published, in which the researchers found that having a childhood best friends can play a significant role in a person's mental health well into adulthood.

As you get older importance of friends gets increased, in old age friends play more critical role than families. During that time children and other family members get busy or sometimes pretend to be busy (yes, few pretends and it's a bitter truth) with their profession and personal issues that old parents feel alone and lonely. During such time your best friends are your support system. Your mental fitness is far better, if you have few good friends with you.

Having real friends is good for you is well-established fact now days. In past few decades, various senior have shown that social interaction is a critical factor for good mental and physical health. In these social interactions your best friends are most importantly.

Thank you all

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