Words of condolences for friends @oneidaa and @williang

in hive-168205 •  10 months ago 

With deep regret we extend our words of condolence to the friend and moderator of this community @oneidaa and her entire family for the unfortunate death of her mother ONEIDA URBAEZ, who in life was also the friend's wife and also users from this platform @williang.

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@oneidaa He made public here part of the painful process that his mother experienced as a result of a disease called KIDNEY CANCER, where he requested on several occasions collaboration to cover the large expenses that this disease generates!

In recent weeks, this illness was further compromising the health of Mrs. ONEIDA URBAEZ, until she could no longer get out of bed and gave up her body and soul, rising to the heavens and leaving a great void on the 16th of April 2024.

We know that God had the last word and in her hands it was entrusted that her holy will be done, since for her everything humanly possible was done to improve her health in this earthly world!

The Lord tells us: He who sleeps deeply does not know what is happening around him. In the same way, the dead are not aware of anything. However, the Bible teaches that God can awaken them and raise them to life (Job 14:13-15). For those whom God resurrects, death will not be the end of everything.

@oneida and @williang, the healthy steem community and the entire team of moderators witnessed all this time they dedicated to Mrs. ONEIDA URBAEZ to give her the last moments of her life, these being quality and family unity!

Rest in peace ONEIDA URBAEZ!!

100% of this post was set to @oneidaa account.

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@oneida, @williang mis mas sentidas palabras de condolencia por la desaparicion fisica de la señora Oneida Urbaez. Se por experiencia que es dificil este momento y sonara duro, pero ella esta en un mejor lugar ahora, donde no hay dolor ni necesita nada. Solo el tiempo aliviara el dolor de toda su familia y se que en sus corazones siempre estara presente. Solo le pido a Dios que la haya recibido en el lugar santisimo y que ahora este gozosa porque esta viendo al Padre Celestial. Fortaleza amigos y no se muere al que no se le olvida y se que ella continuara en sus corazones por muchos años mas. Paz a su alma.

Mis condolencias a la familia de oneida, guao es increíble como esta enfermedad puede llevarse tan rápido a un ser querido. Pero Dios así lo permitió y el dará el consuelo a su esposo e hijas, perder una madre debe ser muy doloroso se me arruga el corazón de solo pensar en este momento tan difícil por el que están atravesando

Un gran abrazo 🫂

My sincerest condolences to the family

My condolences yo the @oneidaa and @williang

Mis sentido pésame mi amiga @oneida su esposo @williang un amigo y hermano por fe, que lucho con su familia su hija dando ánimo a su esposa me dolió su partida mi amigo orando por hella que Dios, te de la fuerza amiga oneida se dolor sentimiento Dios te consuele su amor la llene de paz, confianza mucha fé Cristo los ama está a su lado el espíritu Santo de Dios, paz

Gracias @miguelito80, por tu aprecio.

Please accept my condolences..be strengthend, you and the rest of the family

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My dearest condolences to the bereaved.

May her gentle soul rest with the lord🙏

My condolences to the family. It's well.

My condolences to the family. May God see you through

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May her gentle soul continue resting in peace ☮️

May her gentle soul rest in peace Amen.