SEC-S13/W4 | "The Role of the Caregiver ♥️ "

in hive-168205 •  8 months ago 


Today we begin the fourth week so we have prepared for you a fairly important topic that is rarely talked about but is more frequent than it seems.


Designed by sahmie, edited on Pixellab



"The role of the caregiver."

Generally, when a loved one falls ill in the family, one of its members acquires the great responsibility of exercising the role of caregiver, which consists of providing care and assistance during the illness.

A caregiver takes on many roles, from being cooks, nurses to psychologists, not everyone is prepared to play a role of this magnitude but sometimes in life situations may arise that lead us to face this responsibility.


What do we expect from the challenge?

We want to know the point of view of each user regarding this topic, if they have ever had to experience a similar situation or if they know of a case that is around them. Below we will leave you some questions to help you better develop the topic:

👩‍⚕️ Have you played the role of caregiver or do you know someone who has put it into practice? Tell us about it.

👩‍⚕️ Do you think that caring for a sick person should be a team effort or the work of a single person?

👩‍⚕️ What qualities do you think a caregiver should have?

👩‍⚕️ What advice would you give to a person who is performing this role?


Guidelines and Rules:

  • Post must be #steemexclusive.

  • Use the following title: SEC-S13/W4| "The Role of the Caregiver ♥️ "

  • Participants must be verified and active users on the platform.

  • Post must be more than 350 words. (350 to 500 words)

  • The images used must be the author's own or free of copyright. (Don't forget to include the source.)

  • Participants should not use any bot voting services, do not engage in vote buying.

  • The participation schedule is between Monday, November 6, 2023 at 00:00 UTC to Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 23:59 UTC.

  • Community moderators would leave quality ratings of your articles and likely upvotes.
  • The publication can be in any language.
  • Plagiarism and use of AI is prohibited.

  • Upvote and resteem this contest post. Follow @hive-168205 if you haven't already.

  • Use the tags #healthysteem-s13w4 , #caregiver #country (example- #venezuela, #pakistan) #steemexclusive.

  • Use the #burnsteem25 tag only if you have set the 25% payee to @null.

  • Post the link to your entry in the comments section of this contest post. (very important).

  • Invite at least 3 friends to participate in this contest.

  • Strive to leave valuable feedback on other people's entries.

  • Share your post on Twitter and drop the link as a comment on your post.

  • Your article must get at least 10 upvotes and 5 valid comments to count as valid in the contest, so be sure to interact with other users' entries.

  • Share your 1 achievement at the end of your post (very important).


Winning criteria and rewards:

  • Top 3 users will get 10 SP reward.

  • SC01 and SC02 will be reviewing the 7 participating communities and voting for outstanding content, the upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Please kindly take note.

  • At the end of the week, we would nominate the top 3 users who performed well in the contest and would be eligible for SC01/SC02 votes.

Important Notice: Our community's top 3 users nomination is not based solely on good ratings, it includes your overall commitments (quality and quantity of your interactions with other users' articles) to measure overall performance. Also note that you can generally only make one post per day on the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Good luck everyone!

Steem Healthy Team:
@muzack1, @dexsyluz , @suboohi, @oneidaa (Contest Organizer),
@sahmie, @aaliarubab , @mesola , @edgargonzalez

👉Join us on Discord!👇



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One of the Nice topic you choose for new week of engagement challenge. Inshallah i will ensure my participation for this challenge. Good luck to all guys.

Un tema que tiene mucho que decir, sobre todo de aquellos que hemos tenido que asumir el rol o estar muy cercanos con personas que requieren de un cuidador.

Una responsabilidad muy grande la cual debe ser asumida con mucho amor, paciencia y tolerancia, sobre todo con respeto hacia las personas que debemos atender y cuidar.

Invito a participar a mis amigos @albaandreina, @samynathy, @franyeligonzalez y @venturabogarin

Gracias amigo fjjrg. Que buen tema, trataré de ver que trata .

Very nice theme, when a person is sick, feeling very lonely, serving him and giving him time is one of the good deeds.

Esperemos que este concurso les agrade tanto como a mí, ya estoy ansiosa por empezar a leerlos y conocer cada uno de sus punto de vista.

  ·  8 months ago (edited)

Congratulations for this contest

Saludos queridos amigos, por acá les dejo mi participación:

Hola amigos un placer saludarles 🙋🏻‍♀️, por acá mi entrada :

Un gusto compartir mi post sobre el tema de los cuidadores, su importancia, su función y sus cualidades, ya que no todos han tenido la oportunidad de ser curadores.

Espero sea de su agrado y que se pueda aprender mucho de las experiencias de los demás.

Saludos. SLPS

Hola amigos aquí mi entrada
SEC|S13W4 | "El Rol de Cuidador" ❤️

Hola amigos!
Por acá les dejo mi participación
Tengan una excelente semana

Saludos estimados amigos, aca mi participacion y su promocion twitter

Un efusivo saludo... Por aquí les dejo mi participación:

Best regards to all of you, here is my participation post :

Great topic no doubt, if I am new and not in any club can I participate.?

Just join the community and post.

¡Saludos amigos!😊

Por acá les comparto mi participación en la dinámica:

Hola amigos por aqui mi participación

Bendiciones y exitos 💗

  ·  8 months ago (edited)

Hola buenas noche, mi participación en el concurso.


Its a very nice topic for this week of engagement challenge. I hope everyone participate this challenge and me also.

Here this is my participation forthis challenge, i hope you like and appreciate this Post.

Faran Nabeel ❤️❤️