Health Matters; (topic of the week)

in hive-168205 •  6 months ago 



What is Family Planning, and what are the benefits of Family Planning for individuals and society?

This week's contest topic is very interesting, and I would like to share my own perspective on this family planning method. In my opinion, family planning is a very complex plan built by a family to have offspring according to their economic ability.

The benefits of family planning for individuals are very good, by building a family planning method in the household, parents and children will be happier because they can raise their families with good mental health and economic health.

With the family planning method, everything can be controlled well so that it makes each individual in the family better, as well as its impact on society.

The surrounding community will also be positively impacted because a family that can live well will not trouble others around it, so that with this method anyone can benefit from it.

How does family planning contribute to sustainable development and environmental preservation?

In my personal opinion, family planning contributes greatly to sustainable development and also environmental preservation, because by being able to build a better mentality and quality of life, the surrounding environment will also be better.

Because it cannot be denied that the crime that occurs today is because the environment is inhabited by people who do not apply family planning methods.

People who do not plan anything in the future, their lives become unorganized so that many criminals are born because they lack mental education and are also economically inadequate.

With this family planning method, I am sure the environment will be better because the people in the environment are mentally and economically healthy.

What are the family planning methods available, and how do they work?



In Indonesia, family planning is built with words that are very attached to the hearts of the people, namely 2 children are better, the reason is because parents in our place are unable to provide good education and facilities to their children but they have so many children that these children become neglected.

By having only 2 children, maybe people can be better at controlling the economic conditions and parenting that they give to their children so that the children they give birth to can have a better life and be useful for the wider community.

But in my opinion the words 2 children are better can be explained more broadly, in my opinion someone can have more children because it is freedom for everyone, but parents must be able and obliged to give the best to their children.

Both in terms of economy, education and also providing good parenting to their children so that the child's mentality remains healthy from when they are small.

What are the economic implications of family planning on households and society?



The impact of the economic implications of family planning are as follows:

  • Reducing household needs such as the cost of pregnancy check-ups, health, childbirth and also education.

  • Increasing family income, because income can increase after many costs are reduced.

  • Increasing family savings so that these savings can be used for productive investments so that they provide opportunities for the opening of many new jobs.

  • Breaking poverty, because with family planning can make a person's quality of life better.

This is my entry for Health Matters (08); Family Planning organized by brother @sahmie, I would also like to invite @dikimon2, sister @chant and sister @inspiracion to participate together in this contest.

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Very educative. I really enjoy reading your write up on what family planning is all about. The benefits involved. With the help of family planning, the two parties will examine and know the actual number of children the can cater for. Thanks for sharing.