My Daily Healthy Dynamics 👩‍⚕️- Everyday Health Tips

in hive-168205 •  8 months ago  (edited)

Greetings to all friends of Steemit and Healthy Steem


Everyday Health Tips Men or Women Should Know

Today being Tuesday I would like to share some health related tips to stay fit and well.

Sleep Well

Adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep.

Move More

Spread your jogging or gym activity during the work, breaking it into smaller amounts of time rather than doing it all one day.

Drink Water

Water helps keep your temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, protects your spinal cord and sensative tissues and get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements. It also helps control calories.

Tame Your Stress

Avoid drugs and alcohol stay connected and seek help stay active and most of all make make sure you take care of yourself.

Toss Out Tobacco It's never too late to quit.

Quitting smoking has immediate and long-term benefits. It improves your health and lowers risk of heart dieseses, cancer, lungs disease and other smoking related illness.



Getting enough nutrition is crucial.

Focus on nutrients rather than calories.

Fruits and vegetables have many vitamins and minerals that may help you protect from chronic dieseses. Avoid white sugar or other artificial sweeteners.

Stay on Top of Your Game

See your doctor or nurse for checkups

Certain diseases and conditions may not have symptoms, so check up helps identify early or before they can become a problem.

Pay attention to sign and symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive thirst and problem with urination.

Enjoy Yourself


Participate in fun activities you enjoy every day, like hiking, biking, relaxing listening to music and song, seeing friends and family. Look forward to each and every day.

Sun Bathing

Make habit to spend 10 minutes every day under the Sun between 6-9 AM. Some chemicals under the skin absorb UV B radiation and converted into vitamin D.

Reading Habit

Habit of reading for half an our hour everyday helps to stay mentally alert.


Best practice to keep body and mind calm and quiet.

I would like to invite three fellow Steemians also to perticipate @eveetim @ositomoso @rahmadhidayat01.

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Water is life and drinking of plenty of water is the best way we can stay hydrated and boost our overall health status sir. Good luck to you.

Thank you for the good imput and good wishes.

Hola amigo. Espero este bien

Unos de los consejos es dormir bien , un sueño recuperador es crucial para recuperar la energía de cada persona, eso se va de la mano con la alimentación que sines mejor comer frutas y verdura ya que contiene nutriente para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico .

Uno de los factores de riesgo para muchas enfermedades es fumar, seria muy bueno que las personas controles ese adicción sería muy bueno que se concentre en ejercicio, meditación que es muy buena para la concentración con su propio yo.

Divertirse, broncearse es una manera de amarnos como las otras que antes mencionaste . Ha Sido de todo un poco los consejos uno de los que has mencionado es el estrés , esa pequeña palabra que derrumba mucho a cualquiera, si tiene que ser controlado, llevadera, mirar desde otro punto de vida para tener una buena calidad de vida .

Éxito en tu post amigo a Sido muy interesante leerte y muy nutritivo. Gracias por la mención

Thank you for reading my post verbatim and making the summary so interestingly.
