Health Matters; (topic of the week)

in hive-168205 •  2 months ago 

Hello friends..

Today I am going to share with you an unpleasant experience that I had to face at the most difficult moment in my life. I am actually presenting that exercise for the TITLE HEALTH MATTERS (topic of the week). Thanks for bringing us this contest..@sahmie.


This is actually a valuable contest idea because people can read and learn about our good and bad experiences.

1. What made it your worst hospital visit?

That was when I entered the hospital for my 1st baby delivery.

Actually, due to the carelessness of the hospital staff, I bled for many hours due to not properly applying the stitches used for the vagina cut (episiotomy) which is used for the easy access of the baby at the time of delivery.
Due to that reason, I also got fainting condition. And many hours later, I was in a lot of pain because I was stitched up again without any numbing medicine.

Faced with this situation, it was only when I went back to the ward that the baby and I found out that a germ had passed through our body. Actually, it happened because of the carelessness of the hospital staff.


I was supposed to be delivered through a normal delivery. I was hospitalized on the day I was delivered and naturally my water bag broke. So even though it took more than 24 hours after I informed the staff about it, they did not care about it.

Because the water bag was broken and the baby was in the womb longer than the scheduled time, the baby drank the waste from the womb and had a germ in baby's body.

Also, I also had those germs in my body, so we both had to do a 5-day antibiotic injection course. After many hours of birth, the cannula was connected to both the baby's small arms.
It was a great heartache for me. After that, I had to face medical research for blood checkups that took several days.

When I remember it now, I can't imagine how I really coped with it.

2. How were you treated by the hospital staff?


The staff in the ward before the delivery treated me well, but the staff in the ward after the delivery behaved very rudely.

It is a new experience for any mother who gets her first child. It is a very beautiful feeling, but she is nervous because it is something she has not done before. Gets very upset at the baby's slightest cry or changes.

So I was worried and scared about the baby's condition with the incident. Also, I was physically weak. Even though I was unable to do the basic work of Dareva, they never came to help. Instead, they verbally insulted and threatened me and gave me a lot of stress.

That experience affected me so badly that I did not go to that government hospital to get medicine even for a common illness.

3. Any specific challenges you faced?


The biggest challenge was that there is a rule in the government hospital that after the baby is born, no one in the family can be with us. Instead, someone from the staff helps us.

But actually it didn't happen like that. The hospital staff didn't care much about the patients. So I did the baby's work with great difficulty with the pain of the stitched wounds. It was a challenge I faced.

4. How did you feel during and after the experience?


During that experience, I felt very helpless and alone. I now think that I was in the basic stage of Postpartum Depression at that time. But after I came from the hospital, I recovered with the support of my family.

After the experience, the hardest time I spent in my life is the time I spent in that hospital. It was such a bad experience that I went to a private hospital to have my second baby.


I invite @sharifanamin @Samson and @dexsyluz to participate in this contest..

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
