in hive-168205 •  last year 

Greetings to all my friends here. I hope we all had a good day. I will like to share the kind of food we take in our place in this healthy food challenge. Thank you to the host @mesola for putting this up.
A general saying says "health is wealth." When we are in good health, that is wealth on its own that we have. Health cannot be bought, let's not forget that. We can only buy drugs or pay medical bills. Health is a lifestyle we cultivate and maintain to prevent or minimize illnesses.

For the challenge of this week, I am going to write on the following :

what are the healthy food in your place that is suitable for morning, afternoon and evening

I am a Nigerian precisely from Oyo state. Eko (corn meal) and moinmoin (bean meal) is an healthy food anytime of the day. Most people prefer to take it in the morning or evening. Elderly people prefers this meal because it is light as well as healthy.

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Another healthy food typical of my state is Amala, gbegiri and ewedu that is garnished with milled melon and locust beans. Amala is swallow prepared from yam flour, gbegiri is pureed beans cooked as soup, ewedu is an iron-rich drawing vegetable soup usually garnished as mentioned before. This food is eaten mostly for afternoon and evening. However, a typical Oyo indigene can take it morning, afternoon or evening. It is delicious, healthy and highly nutritious. Amala and ewedu is used to wean babies , because amala is usually smooth and tender and easy to swallow, combined with a sweet drawing soup as ewedu, the baby wouldn't resist it.

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Ekuru is a local healthy food, purely made from peeled beans . It is prepared like moinmoin, but without pepper or other things. It is made from only beans. This ekuru is suitable for morning, afternoon and evening. It is eaten with fish or meat sauce garnished with plenty iru ( locust beans). It can also be taken with any sauce of your choice.

Are this food full of preservatives or is fresh from the garden

No, these food are not full of preservatives. They are fresh from garden. The Corn, Ewedu leaves( jute) are gotten from the garden or bought fresh. The beans are usually dried to stay longer, it is also bought from the market. Yam flour are made from pure sundried good yam and milled to become flour, there is no form of chemical preservatives in them.

what are the healthy benefits.

Moinmoin, gbegiri and ekuru are all made with beans. Beans is a very healthy food rich in protein, iron, fiber and antioxidant. It builds the body cells due to its protein content. Iron is necessary for improving blood volume.

Iron is very essential, as deficiency leads to anaemia (reduced blood content) and consequently results in fainting and loss of consciousness and possible organs dysfunction.
Ewedu( jute) is also rich in iron.

Beans is very filling because of the fiber it contains. Fiber helps our digestive tract. It allows easy passage of waste products (stool), preventing constipation. Antioxidant in beans helps to fight and remove free radicals that are toxins to our system.

Locust beans as generally used for garnishing ewedu and local sauces, promotes good sight, aids digestion and regulates the blood sugar.

These food I have mentioned are very healthy and suitable for any time of the day. They are rich in nutrients and beneficial to the body.

A general saying says that "you are what you eat". It is good for us to watch carefully what we consume on a daily basis, as this impacts whether we are healthy or not.
Staying healthy is key to enjoying life.

Thank you for reading. I invite my friends @afunkycares, @saintkelvin17 and @hannah002.

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