Aids awareness

in hive-168205 •  10 months ago 
**Introduction** Good day my dearly beloved steemians nice having you in this wonderful contest , "aid awareness" which I know you all will enjoy it . Before proceeding I will like to appreciate the effort of the organizer @khursheedanwar

What do you know about AIDS causes?
The full meaning of AIDS is (acquired immune difficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by STDs(sexual transmitted diseases)Aids is a condition or situation that caused or occurs as a result of HIV(human immune virus)infection when the victim immune system is weaken or damage, due to lack or poor treatment given to it on time may cause Aids , that's to say a person can have HIV without developing AIDS, but it is not possible to have Aids without having HIV, that is why is good to go for regular HIV check up because infected person can have it and later finds out symptoms after 9-10 years after which may caused aid by then and will have been sharing it without knowing it.

What do you know about AIDS treatment?
I can still remember the first time I was taught about HIV& Aids that was when I was in primary four, we were told about this about disease that it doesn't have any cure, that certain measures have been taken by scientists and medical experts to find the cure of this disease but all to no avail, that's is to say HIV&Aids is incurable but can be prevented to certain extent, by treatment and medication it will help reduce the HIV level in your blood and prevent the victim of HIV from getting Aids, there is saying that HIV victim die not because of the disease but because of the fear, anxiety, high BP they get after they test positive to the disease, yes it may be scary to hear such but you have to control yourself although many living for long with the diseases, so you not the first so just be calm, after all HIV is not written in any victim forehead it just for your ability to control and avoid it from spreading.


What do you know about AIDS preventive measures?
The following are measures or ways in which we can prevent HIV & Aids.......

  • First avoid having raw sex with new partner if you must do he or she must test negative to HIV and Aids some people are just out there to share this diseases.
  • Always use condoms everytime you have sex this to protect the disease from spraying from one person to another.
  • and don't forget to check the expiring date on the condom because the expired one's are also harmful and doesn't protect any time.
  • try also to avoid sharing sharp objects like, needles, shaving pics, and other objects used by different people.
  • for does who have the disease should trying by taking medication and treatment as doctor prescribe and instructed, because ignorance is not good.
  • our churches, home, community should also try by preaching the word of God to the people Mostly the victims so that they may have the fear of God and the love of their neighbors, why am saying this, because we live in a very wicked world today that most people don't care about each order so they prefer sharing the disease so that they will not be the only ones infected.
  • Government should also provide free treatment for the disease because most finds it difficult to pay for the treatment of the disease and some lost their lives at this point, with the help of government lose of lives will reduce.
  • infected parents and guardians should try their best to keep their save from this disease, by always trashing the sharp objects they use and avoid any blood contact with them.
  • Also the doctors should help by advising and councilng the victims very well most of them commit suicide and die because of the fear, depression, shame and some other challenges they face, but with regular councilng and advise they will be able to bear it.

Before I end this contest I will like to ones more give acknowledgement and appreciation to the organizer @khursheedanwar for this amazing contest and also to invite my fellow steemians @simonnwigwe, @pea07, @ninapenda, @radjasalman, to take part in this contest.

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