How Do You Deal With Stress

in hive-168205 •  last year 



It is certainly possible to be stressed out after engaging in different kinds of work, be it physical work, mental work or otherwise.

It is really advisable, that when a person is stressed out, they should take a time to rest and relax their body.
I will be writing on stress and how we handle them.

In your own words tell me what you understand by stress

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Stress is actually a way our body responds to physical, emotional and psychological challenges or work. There are a lot of symptoms that comes with being stressed, most times we tend to have headaches when we are stressed.

It is very advisable to relax when stress so as not to make us sick. A lot of people have body failures because they continued in a lot of things that keeps on stressing them and they have refused to relax or ease the stress.

The following are causes of stress:

  • Work Load: A lot of people are stressed out because of the kind of physical and mental work they engage in. Most times they don't have enough time to rest, or they are unhappy with the job. Sometimes the workload could be too much for them. At this point, stress sets in.

  • Death of a love one or traumatic event: The death of a love one can cause stress to a person. Traumatic events too like accidents and disasters can cause a lot of stress

  • Fear and Anxiety: when we are afraid of things like failure or feeling anxious about something, it can lead to being stressed out

  • Emotional Problems: Our emotions can also lead to stress, example: heart break.

Stress can lead to headaches, sicknesses and even death.

How often do you get stress and what are the ways you deal with stress?


I am a teacher, so I deal more with mental stress. Hustling for ends meet in my country brings a lot of stress, from excessive workload to traffic gridlocks, high noise levels and the likes. I work constantly for 12 hours every day and I also blog on steemit. The only day I have as a free day away from stress is on Sundays.

Dealing with stress is really vital, so as to have good health throughout the year and not breakdown. I rarely breakdown because I manage my stress level well.

When I get back from work, I eat fruits after eating and then I sleep for 2 hours before waking up at night to do other chores at home or blog.
Sometimes I take medication to relief the pains in cases of headaches or bodily pains.
I also take out time on Sundays to visit open areas that isn't noisy just to meditate.

It is very important that our stress level be managed, so we won't get sick or breakdown.

Here on steemit, is blogging stressful for you, How do you handle steemit and other activities?

It is actually stressful handling steemit and other activities, but I kind of balance it. I blog mostly in the night after taking a sleep. That is the only I handle the stress of blogging and other activities.

Managing stress is very important for our health.

Thanks for reading
I invite @onlyonefave, @isaacbeechan10 and @brightoekeh to participate in this contest.


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