Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W6 - "The Diary Game and your health"

in hive-168205 •  2 years ago 

Assalamualaikum steemians ❤️

I am happy here to share my diary game related to health with all of you

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Morning meals and walk

In early morning I get up and pray fajar at about 4:00 a.m. which is the best time to get up in morning for everyone. After that when I come back to my home then I take oatmeal as my breakfast as I have shown you in a picture that I take one cup of oatmeal and cook it and then eat it as my breakfast.


After breakfast I decide to get ready for college before I have to deliver lecture to my students in college so I was ready within 30 minutes and 4 going to college I take one cup of milk which is a complete diet but we should also take fibres with it that's why I already take oatmeal in breakfast and then I go to college finally.


Lunch and vitamins

I came back to my home for having lunch at 2:15 p.m. and we should not skip our lunch and it should be good so I take a very healthy vegetable which is specially very helpful for those who have joined issues so today I eat lady finger recipe along with one chapati.


After that I was free for 1 hour and then I have to go to Academy that's why I start to watch my favourite TV channel and I see match for 30 minutes and then I decide to have vitamax tablets. These tablets I take on alternative days and these are recommended by my doctors to me because from one month I was feeling tiredness in my body so doctor says that it could be due to some nutritional deficiency so I am taking these tablets to meet nutritional deficiency in my body.


Gym after academy

As I have talked about Academy that I have to go to Academy for delivering further lectures to my students so after my classes I go to gym so that I may maintain my health and I did different exercises there and after that I have some cookies but I was also tired that's why I go back to my home after 30 minutes exercise in gym.


When I go back to my home then I see time and it was 8:30 p.m. and it was the time of Isha prayer so I decide to first go to mosque to pray Isha and then to relax myself so I go to mosque and pray Isha and when I come back to my home then I made Ginger tea for me.


I know that for many of the people ginger tea don't seems good taste wise but now I am habitual of it and I really love to drink it. After drinking ginger tea I apply a nuberol forte at one side of my bicep muscle at right side because I was feeling some muscular pain and this is a cream that is used for pain relief related to muscular skeletal injuries.


After that I was very tired that's why I want to sleep but before sleeping I take some drops which are skillax that are used for relief from constipation because from some days I am feeling some stomach disturbance is but now I have too much relief from constipation.


After that I write my diary game before felling asleep.

I want to invite here @pelon53 , @suboohi , @f2i5 , @faran-nabeel to participate

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Deseo de todo corazón que tus deficiencias y cansancio mejoren con las vitaminas que recetó tu doctor.
El cuerpo nos avisa cuando algo no va bien y no hay que pasar por alto estás advertencias.

Los problemas de estreñimiento son muy comunes debe ser por el tipo de alimentación que llevamos, trata de consumir más fibra y beber más agua para ayudar el tránsito intestina.
Feliz tarde y mucho éxito


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