Contest: Healthy Goals

in hive-168205 •  8 months ago 


Good day everyone, it's yet another beautiful privilege to participate in this contest and I am believing it meets you too well, let me through the list of goals I had for 2023 and how far I went with them as well as my goals for 2024.

Goal to me is what defines our path, we will be roaming and working aimlessly without a goal, so to me, I believe goals are set targets to which we work and hope to achieve before a defined period of time, just as we have goals in different areas of our lives, we should as well endeavor to set achievable goals in our health part inorder to lead a healthy life.

What Were Your Healthy Goals For 2023?


Personally, I had so many healthy goals I set at the beginning of year 2023 and though I was unable to complete some, atleast I did 90% of my health goals. So firstly I had a goal of loosing some amount of weight which prompted me to limit my intake of food that contains much calories, though some days which I can finger count I faltered but still kept to the course.

When the year began, I could only do 20 pushups each round, I had initially set my goals to atleast go for 40 pushups each round. I always want to keep fit and this was one of the many ways I could stay fit. I had to even extend it till evening, so that means, I will do 40 pushups a day and 80 pushups in the evening.

Can You Say That You Fulfilled Them?


For the ones that made to my top list, yes! I have achieved them, for example loosing weight, I went from 95 kg to 71.4kg as of last week I checked, this is truly as a result of consistency, personally, I never thought I would but then the goal was a push towards actualizing it.

Secondly, the 40 pushups per round I had set, I was able to do it from March till date, so in a day I have been doing 40 pushups in the morning which is just one round and 80 pushups in the evening which is 2 rounds making it a total of 120 pushups a day, the consistency has birth this result and I am even planning to go more than this next year.

Will You Set New Goals For 2024? Tell Us What They Are


For sure, I have set new goals health wise for 2024, one of which is to loose more weight atleast to 65kg then I will be really happy, I know the journey will be a bit rough and sometimes draining both physically and psychologically but I won't stop till this goal is reached.

I have also decided to increase my pushup session as well as register in a gym, next year I am ready to take my fitness to the next level, I will be quitting my job to focus more on my personal growth so I think I will have much time to keep fit.

Lastly, I have an issue of eating really late at night, 2024, I am stopping it because its not really making feel healthy sometimes, more of why I want to eat my dinner earlier than how I have been eating inorder to lead a healthy life.

I want to invite @unyime23 and @uduak01 to participate in this contest.

thanks for reading

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Salutations, Megareigns! 🌟 Your unwavering dedication to your wellness aspirations in 2023 is truly inspiring! 🏋️‍♂️ Achieving 90% of the weight loss objective is a commendable triumph, and completing 120 pushups daily underscores your commitment. 🎉 The aim to reach 65kg in 2024 is an audacious yet attainable pursuit with your firm resolve. 💪 Incorporating structured workout sessions and addressing nocturnal eating habits exemplify your holistic approach to overall well-being. A captivating expedition awaits! 🚀 Wishing you ongoing success on your wellness journey throughout 2024! 🌈🌟

That was a really intense goal you set. I understand what it means to loose weight as I go to a studio where there is a gym downstairs so I get to relate with fitness enthusiast.

Kudos! I believe in you achieving your 2024 goals.

Hola amigo

Enserio, hacer 80 flexiones en la noche es una maravilla. Me alegro que hayas podido cumplir tus metas del 2023, perdiendo más de 20 kilos durante ese tiempo.

de eso se trata, de mucha constancia y fé. Espero que cumplas tus objetivos para 2024
