Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, Sugar."

in hive-168205 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Assalamualaikum! Greetings to all! Let's engage in the Steemit Challenge- S11W2" The worst enemy, Sugar." Together, we'll explore the impact of sugar on our lives, sharing insights on healthier choices, balanced diets, and the importance of aware eating. Join us in this meaningful discussion and enhance our well- being!


Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

In my house I consume sugar in moderation mostly in beverages like tea and milk. I believe in maintaining a balanced diet, and I am conscious of the implicit health effects of inordinate sugar intake. Therefore, I ensure that I limit my sugar consumption to prevent any adverse impacts on my health. I prefer natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup occasionally, which not only add sweetness but also offer some nutritive benefits. Additionally, I try to incorporate healthier alternatives like stevia or monk fruit sweeteners when possible. By being aware of my sugar intake, I aim to promote overall well- being and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Do you have a family member who has problems with diabetes?

In my immediate family theres no one with diabetes. However, in my extended family, I've a relative who's dealing with diabetes. This condition has made our family more apprehensive of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. We often discuss ways to support our relative in managing their condition and encourage regular medical check- ups to monitor their blood sugar levels. Through this experience, we've learned about the significance of diabetes prevention and the role of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper medication in managing the condition effectively. We strive to be a probative and humane family for our relative as they navigate their diabetes journey.

Have you had a problem with sugar?

Alhamdulillah( Thanks to Allah), I'm thankful that I don't have any sugar- related health issues similar as diabetes. I recognize that good health is a precious blessing and not to be taken for granted. To maintain this well- being, I prioritize a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. I consume sugar in moderation, focusing on natural sweeteners when possible. Additionally, I try to make informed choices about my nutrition, ensuring a different range of nutrient-rich foods. My gratitude towards Allah motivates me to take care of my body and cherish the gift of good health, valuing the importance of prevention and overall well- being.

What do you think about sugar as the worst enemy?

Sugar is undeniably my worst enemy when it comes to my salutary choices. I'm acutely apprehensive of its mischievous effects on my health, similar as contributing to weight gain, tooth decay, and an increased risk of colorful health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Therefore I make a conscious efforts to limits my sugars intakes as much as possible. I avoid sticky snacks sodas and processed foods that are laden with added sugars. Instead I opt for healthier alternatives like fruits and natural sweeteners to satisfy my occasional sweet cravings. By treating sugar as my adversary I prioritize my well being and strive for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.



Acknowledging the impact of sugar on my health and considering it my worst enemy has led me to adopt a further aware and balanced approach to my diet. By limiting sugar intake and opting for healthier choices, I aim to prioritize my well- being and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Invite @nayabshafqat @anelafatima @m-fdo @zory23 @steemdoctor1 @faridi1

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I am happy that none in your family are diabetic. Nor you had any problem with it.
I am surprised that you take a lot of care of yourself. Informed choices in diets and too healthy that contains all the nutrients.
Your gratitude for almighty Allah keeps you motivated.
That's the best . Keep it always. 💯


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