⏰Is intermittent Fasting Beneficial for Everyone? 🍱

in hive-168205 •  4 months ago 
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👩‍⚕️ What is your opinion about intermittent fasting?Is it easier to lose our weight or not?

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It is not easy to fast intermittently because there are many difficulties in it and not every person can fast intermittently because there are many whose health is worse than fasting. By keeping and there are many who lose their weight by fasting intermittently, so it is not right for everyone and really we have to face many difficulties to lose weight.And in my opinion, if during the time we are fasting and then when we break our fast, then we should eat our fruits and other things in our diet that will give us health, i.e. eat things with vitamins, calories and nutrients. We should benefit from them and not eat fast food and many other things that spoil our health. Therefore, if we keep our diet well, we should also fast intermittently. We can reduce the weight and our health can also be good.

👩‍⚕️ Let us know, Are there any risks of trying intermittent fasting for people with certain health conditions?



Yes, as I have already stated that there are many bodies and many people who may be at risk from intermittent fasting, i.e. their health is at risk of deterioration, so is a healthy person. The body, i.e., the one who has the courage to endure hunger, can achieve this target, and in the same way, the bodies are such that when they are fasting, they become very awake and their mind. If it doesn't work, so do we Keeping in mind that the person who has the ability to fast and whose body is capable of not losing his health if he fasts for a certain period of time should try this method and reduce his weight.And in addition to this, diabetics, heart patients and obesity patients should take care of their health because fasting is also dangerous for their health, so we should follow the instructions of our doctor or Fast intermittently according to your health, because if we do not take care of our health, it threatens our health.

👩‍⚕️ Let us know, is intermittent fasting a realistic way to stay healthy in the long term or not? Share your opinion.



Intermittent fasting can keep our health healthy and that means it has its advantages and disadvantages, so first of all I will explain its benefits, that is, if we fast intermittently, then it affects us. The diet is also healthy, that is, the person who is very fat and has a lot of fat in him, by being hungry, his fat is burning, that is, it is melting, and in this way, his obesity is decreasing. Apart from this, his body is becoming healthy, all the organs and body of his body are working at a good level.And in the same way as a diseased body such as diabetes patients, blood pressure patients, if they fast intermittently, not only their current health may be bad, but also their health problems later. can be. That is, there will be more Weakness in their body and more diseases may prevail on them, so it is a danger for them in a way.And besides, if a very obese body fasts, then it can be beneficial for him that his weight can be reduced and his weight can be reduced for a long time.


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