SEC-S13 / W5 | "How can alcohol cause damage to your health! 🍺

in hive-168205 •  10 months ago 
When can we say that a person is an alcoholic? Give reasons for your answer!

The word alcohol can be appropriately defined as any substance that contains carbonic compound or ethanol which can cause changes in our body and mental coordination. It can be formed through fermentation of sugar and it comes in form of spirits, beverages and other naturally occurring forms like palmwine. Examples of alcohol in beverages are lager beer and spirits.


Alcohol has it's positive effect. It can serve as a mild stimulant which can activate energy producing enzymes in the body thereby creating enough energy for work. Some amount of energy is also good for digestion, it can also serve as a relaxant and as a mild sedetive and it is also good for mild disturbances of the digestive tract.

It's negative effects are also numerous. Alcohol, may destroy the immune system if taken in large quantity and could be addictive which may cause one to depend on a particular brand of alcohol before one can effectively perform any task. Alcohol can create euphoria and takes one to a mental false paradise. This euphoric illusion lasts as long as the quantity of the alcohol taken has an effect on the person that took it.

Alcohol can also cause hallucination, emotional and psychological imbalance which may change or alter the personality of a hitherto stable individual. They have benefits of alcohol is in no way comparable to disadvantages of excessive use of alcohol. One of the paramount health challenges one can suffer from excessive intake of alcohol is cirrhosis of the liver, others are diabetes type 1 and 2, high blood pressure, dementia, insomnia and many more.


I am of the opinion that when one is drunk they person should be considered insane and should be treated as such because alcohol abuse produces the same observable physical manifestation in a mad man. Many malfunction or failure of some vital organs of human beings could be traced to excessive use of alcohol.

Do you think alcohol is a drug? justify your answer!

I do not only think, but I am convinced that alcohol is a drug with the potentiality of narcotic propensity. A drug in any substance that when ingested have the ability ability to alter accelerate or decrease the functions of certain organs in the body. Alcohol should be placed as a substance that can produce this stated effect and therefore should be seen and regarded as a drug.

In the case of alcohol, the central nervous system is affected when taking in large quantity which produces 'Dutch' courage - a false bravado which propels one to do that which normally he could not do. Alcohol as a drug may alter the function of the brain which creates hallucination and optical illusion. Many drugs which when taking in a long period of time or when abused may accumulate to toxic levels and damage certain organ in the body and alcohol is no exemption to this.


Alcohol when taking in large quantity can damage the liver,the kidney it both. Many drugs are addictive and so is alcohol. There are some who are into prostitution and other crimes because they want to raise money to find and sustain the alcohol addiction. A tipical scenario is a woman who gets herself involved into prostitution to keep herself on gin.

Alcohol has almost the same addictive effect like other illicit drugs, I have seen case where alcohol addicts sold their prized belongings inorder to maintain steady supply of alcohol. I am fully persuaded that when one is willing to sell any of his belongings no matter how sacred or precious in order to purchase a substance of addiction, such a person needs rehabilitation. Alcohol no doubt, has this same addictive features and therefore can be said to be not just a drug but an addictive substance.


Can alcoholism be considered a disease? How to control it!

For us to determine weather alcoholism is a disaese, we need to give alcoholism an effective definition. Alcoholism is pattern of behavior characterized by the frequent procurement and consumption of alcohol to produce euphoria or why is popularly called 'high' or any other special effect which may be deem unhealthy such as hallucination and optical illusion.

Given this definition above, it is proper to tag alcoholism as a disease of the mind. Because in this case, the brain and the spinal cord which is the central nervous system had been conditioned to crave for this substance in order to produce this above mentioned effect.

Any condition, physical, mental or emotional that requires one to go through the consumption of a substance in order to produce temporary or permanent relief is a disease. Therefore alcoholism is a disease of the mind which produces other physical manifestations overtime.


Is every drinker considered an alcoholic?

I am of a strong opinion, all drinkers cannot be labelled alcoholic. One may consume alcohol to get immediate satisfaction or may be compelled to consume it because of the dictates of some circumstances. For instance, one may hang out with friends and decide to take some alcohol, one may also be in the mood to celebrate and decided to use alcohol as a means of celebration.

These instances highlighted does not and cannot in any way constitute alcoholism. In this case alcohol is not a means to an end but an end in itself. But in the case where someone spend all his time and productive hours procuring and consuming alcohol because of a particular edge, in this case alcohol because a means to an end and that is why a heavy drinker is an alcoholic.

I would like to invite @paholags,@richy20 and @chukwu10 to participate in this wonderful contest because it is participating.

My Regards

My introduction post

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Saludos amigo.

Así es lamentablemente la sustancia del etanol puede causar graves daños a nuestra salud es por eso que se considera el alcohol como una droga y una droga muy potente que puede llevar a las personas hasta la muerte cuando se vuelven adictas al alcohol ciegamente.

Ser una persona alcohólica te deja sin voluntad es por eso que a las personas alcohólicas hay que acompañarlas siempre y apoyarlas en todo momento porque muchas veces niegan estar enfermos y necesitar ayuda.

Ha realizado un excelente análisis del tema Te deseo buena suerte


Tal como lo mencionaste, el alcohol tiene sus lados positivos y negativos, es depende de la cantidad que lo tomes, si tomas mucho tu salud se puede ver afectada de un manera muy fea, y no solo te afectará a ti sino a tu entorno.

Algunas personas al emborracharse se vuelven de carácter muy fuerte e incluso violentos, y claramente la persona que esté cerca de ellos va a sufrir las consecuencias. Éxitos en el concurso.

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

He conocido personas que tomando una cantidad mínima de alcohol, tienen una mejoría de salud en algo que padecen y, aquí es donde concluyo en que, esta bebida es un problema cuando se llega al exceso... Bueno, como todo, si hay un abuso, estallan los problemas por ello, lo indicado es que si alguien va a tomar, sea en pequeñas cantidades y, de vez en cuando.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

I must admit you wrote well in this post because you've actually clarified somethings that needed clarification. Thanks for sharing. It's interesting to know that you share the same viewpoint I have which is that alcohol can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. If taken in moderation, it can be beneficial but if taken in excess, that's when problem comes in. Wishing you best of luck in this challenge and looking forward to reading more of your posts


but I am convinced that alcohol is a drug

It is surely what you're convinced of. Since it distorts our mental balance and every of the body system, it is hence a drug. This is why there is also forms of addiction aligned to it. Success to you

You are absolutely right that excessive consumption of alcohol causes mental illness along with the body, because by consuming this alcohol a person remains intoxicated throughout the day and loses control over his mind. What should he do? He does not remember anything about where he has been, what is the situation in his house. This becomes a serious disease and sometimes people even die due to alcoholism.