Contest |Nurturing Healthy Lives|

in hive-168205 •  7 months ago 

Nurturing Healthy Lives.png

Assalam O Alaikum how are you all i am fine Alhumdulillah by the grace of Allah today am participant of Contest this is organized by respected @sahmie .. the topic very amazing So i am very enjoying to participate in this contest where we get to share our strategiess for leading a heallthier and more balansing lifestyle.when who believing in the power of smalls changing to creating a big differense i have stressed myself to prioritising both my physically and mentalls well-being.

What small changes have you made to improve your overall health?


i have made a few small changing to boosst my overalls health. to the simple things like drinnking more water the taking short on the walks through out the day and swaping out sugary snack for heallthier opptions have create a big differense. These changing on the might seem minor but they have helping me feell more energised and focussed.

How have you prioritised taking care of yourself physically and mentally?


Taking cares of myself physicaly and mentaly has become a top first consern for me. I create sure to organise on regular exercises sesions and shaping out time for relaxetion and self care activitiess like thought or reading. By prioritising both my physically and the mentally well being and I feel more balansing and provides to handlle whatever life send to my way.

What are your favourite ways to stay active and incorporate exercise into your daily routine?


My favourite wayes to the stay active are by going for wallks in nature to dansing to my favourite musics and practising yogga. I find to the joy in moves to my body in ways that feel good and energising. Incoraporating these activitiess into my daily routine helpes me stay the active without feelings like i am forsing my self to exercises.

How do you manage stress and find balance in your busy life?

To managge stres and find balanse in my busy life I arranging selff care practicess like deeppness breathing exercises spendings time outdoors and conecting with loved ones. These activitiess help me relaxing and recharges alowing me to aproach challenges with a clearerness mind and a senses of callmnes.

How important is nutrition to you and how do you make healthy eating choices?


Nutrition is really importanse to me because it fuells my body and effecting to how I feel both physically & mentally. I creating healthy eatings choices by focussing on whole to the nutrient denses foods like fruits and vegetables lean to the proteins and whole grains. I also try to limitness procesed foods and sugary snacks oppting for nutritious options that to my support my overal health.

The end trust that by creating intentional choicess to enggage to the both physicallys and mentallnes health we can healthiers hapier life. i am gratefull for the oportunity to share my experiencess with all of you. So to the health and the pleasure happines and living our best lives ...



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They are several ways we can keep up with our wellbeing and one of them as you stated is drinking water, this is a very healthy tip and it is good for filtering our system, dancing is an exercise that help us a lot and if this has helped you mentally and physically keep it up. Best wishes