can you believe this is located at the back of newly rented apartment in school? can you believe this is a hood of students and it's disturbing and it's here against my health and sleep o yes!!
with this, good morning my erudites, family and friends how is your weekend going? i hope all is well. you might be wondering how can this waste site be at the back of your apartments? o yes
the question is how do we get here? who started it? who gave the go ahead or permission? is it safe to live in this environment? is it good to our ones health? i leave these question for you to answer.
it all started from 1 to 100 to 500 then like this. its bad. waste site should be or must be located far away from your hood. as a medical student it causes more harm than good to man. it's only beneficial to agricultural sector for manure. but the question is this place located for agriculture. the answer is BIG NO.
it's a student apartment not a farming location. with this dirty here or waste here i hardly sleep at night because of mosquitos and alot of crazy insects that i have no idea of. they are generated from waste that's close to our living apartment.
my room window is very close to the waste site.
I'm writing to you to stop this if you take part in this in one way or the other. it's against your health in time and by time its cause mosquitoes and insects of different kinds it causes more harm than good. in case you dont know Anopheles mosquito bite causes malaria.
if you want to dispose waste do it well. call the waste management board. don't burn them it affects the ozone layer there by increasing heat which lead to skin cancer and skin reactions of different kind.
why will this not lead to mosquito bite, insects ands fly's. just tell me why?
improper waste disposal is one of the contemporary social problem in Africa. my country Nigeria is known for this which my State government is working on.
the waste management board is not fully functioning that's while you have to dispose your waste like it.
i write to steemit to look into this, let W.H.O look into this. you can't be fighting malaria in Africa when the cause is not resolved.
i omorogbe Collins edosasere an optometrist student who knows the disadvantage of this to humans in time and by time. i look forward to see a better Africa, Nigeria and a better place to live.
rules must be made. then waste management board should step up in their game's. then we can see betterment VAMOS thanks for reading my opinion and way forward towards this problem that's now a way of life in Africa.
this MUST be stop by me first before the government!!