Contest: Treating Our Wounds

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago 



Hello dear friends of steem health, greetings to you all. Trust you all are feeling better by the special Grace of God it's my pleasure to be in this community one's again. I will be participating in a wonderful contest titled "TREATING OUR WOUNDS". It happens to be a very interesting topic to me because it is going to help me to learn better. All thanks to @sahmie for bringing up this beautiful topic I will be dropping my entry soon. Let's start from here without wasting time.

When it comes to the treating of wounds it has to deal with the several steps to promote healing and prevent infection from affecting someone's health and this will simply helps anyone to feel very better. Cleaning and dressing a wound in a proper way also helps to prevent bacteria and other micro_organisms from entering inside the body. Treating of wounds also helps the body to maintain a natural healing processes and improve an overall well-being.

What's the first step to prevent infection when treating a wound?

• The first step to prevent infection when treating the wound is to wash your hands according with soap and a clean water.

• Then rinse the wound with a cool or warm water like you want make the water to be hot as much, but just a warm water from there you are good to continue with treating the wound.

• Next thing to do is to make use of a bar soap or premiere soap as usual or you can make use of a wound cleanser to clean the wound properly.

• Next thing to do is to gently pat the area of the wound then dry it with a clean towel then irrigate the wound with a sterile water so as to help remove bacteria from the wound.

This steps will helps to remove dirt, bacteria or others dirty particles that can cause infection to the wound. Also remember to clean the wound before you can continue with dressing the wound.

How do you clean a wound properly before applying medication or a bandage?


As I have said it earlier, I will make sure that I make use of a soap and rinse the wound with a cool or warm water then avoid using harsh soap so as to avoid much pains, then I will make sure that i use a medicated towel from the clinic and clean the wound very well and avoid scrubbing or rubbing the wound. I will also make sure that i use water to remove soap from the wound properly, I will also make sure that i irrigate the wound with saline solution to make sure that all the remaining dirty particles is been removed from the wound.

Why is it important to keep a wound moist during the early stages of healing?

Keeping the wound moist is very important in some various ways such as...

1. Prevents Dryness: This is one of the crucial aspect of a wound care, you can consider to make use of moisturising topical creams or petroleum jelly so as to prevent the wound from getting dry.

2. Promotes Healing: This is also an aspect that helps to encourage cells growth and supports and supports tissue repair and other and other contaminants.

3. Reduces Pain: Keeping the wound moist also helps to reduce discomfort, promote relaxation then also helps to reduce stress and dry wounds.

4. Enhances Tissue Repair: Moisture also helps to rebuild tissue strength, supports collagen synthesis and facilitate new tissues.

Supports Natural Processes: Is also a vital aspect of wound care this process can simply includes immune response thereby fighting infection and promoting healing.

What are the signs of a possible infection in a wound, and what should you do if you suspect one?

Pain: If the wound is painful for a longer period of time than expected. This can simply be a sign of infection.

Fever: This actually indicates that the infection has entered your blood stream and it is spreading all over the body.

Red Streak: This is also a sign of infection in a wound that actually spread through the lymphatic system.

Delayed Healing: If a wound is not showing some signs of improvement or is not actually healing as expected it may also be as a result of infection.

Discharge: This can also be as a sign of infection which can clear or pale yellow fluids normally in the early stages of life.

What should you do if you suspect one?

1. Seek Medical Attention: You can endeavour to contact a medical care provider or visit an emergency room for a proper medical treatment.

2. Monitor Your Temperature: Also enable to check your temperature because fever can also be a sign of infection.

3. Keeping the wound clean: is also essential for preventing infection there by washing your hands regularly before touching the wound and also clean the wound with saline solution and dry it with a medicated towel.

4. Cover The Wound: Is also an important step in wound care, you can use a sterile dressing or a cotton wool to cover the wound regularly so as to avoid germs and diseases from getting into the wound.

How can you tell if a wound can be treated at home or if it needs medical attention?


The following are for me to determine if a wound can be treated at home or needs medical attention they are as follows...

• Bleeding: Incase the wound don't stop bleeding after 10 to 20 minute's if the blessings is much heavy I can tell the person to visit a nearby clinic for a proper treatment.

• Cleanliness: for instance if the wound is dirty or has some debris in it I can also tell the person to seek a medical attention.

• Pain: For instance if the wound so Painful or sensitive, I will also endeavour to tell the person to visit a nearby clinic for a proper medication.

• Animal Bite: In terms of a snakes or poisonous animals bite a person at home I can also endeavour to tell the person or take the person to a nearest clinic for a proper treatment and medication.

• Location: Wounds in some certain areas like the face, neck or head may also require special attention from a medical professional.

• Depth Or Size: If the wound is 1.4 inch or deeper than that I will also make sure that I tell the person to see a medical attention.


By following these rules, you can also promote proper wound healing and prevent complications, or you consult an health care professional for a proper treatment and guidance.

Thank you all for taking out time to read and go through my blog, I love you all I will also be looking forward to read from your entry also. I love you all. I will like to invite three of my friends to also follow and participate in this wonderful contest .


Thanks For Reading😊


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Thank you for sharing your post on twitter. It would be great if you add catchy title. Thank you.

Ok ma, I will do that as soon as possible!!