The Dangers of Drug Abuse by @rossnenye

in hive-168205 •  last year 
Hello everyone, good morning to you all. Drug abuse is a serious social menace in our society today dealing with mostly the youth. I would love to appreciate @sahmie for bringing this life sensitive issue for us to write and learn from each other.


Explain in your understanding what "Drug Abuse" is all about and mention some commonly abused drugs in our environment.

Drug abuse can be defined as the illicit or illegal use of substance like crack, marijuana in order to feel high and feel in a certain way. It is also the illicit use of over the counter drugs for pleasure.

Commonly abused drugs includes.

Over the counter drugs like Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Felvin, Panadol e.t.c.







Indian hemp

What are some common dangers of drug abuse that we should address.

Chronic mental disorder

Drug abusers are prone to suffer mental disorder, anxiety and severe headache.

Organ damage

Different hard drugs has several negative impact on the human organ. It can lead to kidney, liver and heart failure. It can equally lead to lungs Cancer and brain damage.

Risky social behavior

Drug abusers usually exhibit different negative social behavior such as stealing, kidnapping, killing and fighting.

Suicidal thoughts and irritation

Drug abusers usually have suicidal thoughts and feel irritated whenever they don't take those drugs.


In worst cases drug abuse can lead to death.

How can we promote awareness and prevention of drug abuse in our communities?

Organize community workshop

Experts should be invited in Communities to educate people about the dangers of drug abuse.

Enlightement on the signs exhibited by drug abusers

Communities should be enlightened on the common signs exhibited by drug abusers so they could easily identify abusers.

Individuals found in possession of drugs should be properly punished in order to serve as lessons to others.

What are some effective ways to support individuals who are struggling with drug addiction?

Encourage them to seek therapy

Quitting drug is not an easy journey. Register the victim in a rehabilitation center this will help to fasten their recovery process.

Be patient

Be patient with the victim, quitting drug is not as easy as it seems. They would be relapses.

Encourage them to be busy

Getting busy will help to get their mind off drugs

** Remove triggers**

Remove triggers and substance that would trigger the abuse of drugs.

How can we educate young people about the dangers of drug abuse in a relatable and engaging way?

Creating drug free club

Creation of drug free club and inviting experts to talk to the youth and also inform them about the dangers of drug abuse will go a long way in educating the youth.

Social Media sensitization

Social Media is a powerful force of reaching out to several people in our society. Relatable content like short videos should be used to enlighten the youth.

Incorporating drug enlightenment into the Curriculum

Drug abuse should be taught in our various schools in order to enlighten the students on it's danger.

Enlightement at home

Parents also have a role to play. They should educate their children about the dangers of drug abuse and also make sure that thru children follow good company.

Thanks for reading through, I invite @saintkelvin, @joymm and @ukpono to participate in this contest.

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Thank you for the invite dear..

You're welcomed.
