Contest alert!//Blood tests

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago 

Assalam O Alaikum.

Hello my steemit friends i hopes you are all doing well.I enjoy participating in contests because they help me learned and shared my knowledge. Today i am excited to share some important information about blood tests. Blood tests play a vitals role in diagnosing and managing our health. Let me discuss five important blood tests and their purposes.


Complete Blood Count (CBC).

The CBC test is one of the mostly commons blood tests it measures different components of blood such as red blood cells white blood cells hemoglobin and platelets. Doctors used this test to detects infections anemia or any others abnormalities in the blood. It gives a general picture of your overall health.

Blood Sugar Test.

A blood sugars test checks the levels of glucose in your bloods its helps diagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. Peoples with diabetes also used this test to monitored their sugar levels regularly. Keeping blood sugars levels in checking is very important for good health.

Lipid Profile Test.

This test measures the levels of cholsterols and triglycerides in the bloods its helps determined the risk of heart diseases. A lipids profiles test provides informations abouts good cholesterol (HDL) bad cholesterol (LDL) and overalls cholesterol. Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels can prevents heart problems.

Liver Function Test (LFT).

The LFT checks hows wells your liver is working it measures enzymes proteins and bilirubins in the bloods. This testing helps identify liver problems such as hepatitis or fatty liver diseases. A healthy livers is essential for overall body function.

Thyroid Function Test.

This tests measures the levels of thyroids hormones (T3 T4 and TSH) in the bloods. It helps diagnoses thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. The thyroid glands plays a key role in regulating metabolism so this test is crucials for identifying related issues.

Blood tests are essential tools for understanding our health. These five tests provide valuable information about different aspects of the body. Regular checkups and timely bloods tests can prevents many health problems i hopes this post helps you understands the importance of these tests. Thank you for reading and i look forward to your feedback.

I am inviting friends @wuddi @nirob1613 @goodybest


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