Assalam O Alaikum.
Hello everyone i hoped you are all doing wells and enjoying life today i am excited to shares my entry for this contest. The topic is about allergies and how they affect us. Allergies can be annoying but with proper care they can be managed well. Heres my story about dealing with allergies.
Are you allergic to any substance?
Yes i am allergic to dust this has been a part of my life for quite some times dust is every where so managed this allergy is a daily challenge for me.
How did you realize that you were allergic to that substance?
I realizes it was allergic to dust when i was younger every times i would cleaned my room or when there was a lot of dust in the air i would starts sneezing uncontrollably. My nose would get stuffy and sometimes my eyes would start watering. At first I thought it was just a common cold but after noticing it happened only when I was near dust i realized it was an allergy.
One day i had a severe reaction my nose was blocked my throat started itching and i felt short of breath when my parents took me to the doctor who conformed that i was allergic to dust. The doctor explained that these were typical symptoms of a dust allergy.
How do you control an allergic attack?
When an allergic attack happens i try to stay calm. The first thing i do is move away from the source of the dust i drink water to soothe my throat and sometimes i take an anti allergy tablet that the doctor prescribed. If my symptoms get worse i use an inhaler which helps me breathe better.
Deep breathing exercises also help me stay calm during an attack. Luckily i have not had any severe attacks recently because i am careful about avoiding dust as much as possible.
What do you commonly do to avoid coming into contact with the substance that causes your allergy?
To avoid coming into contact with dust i clean my surroundings regularly. However i make sure to wear a mask while cleaning. I also avoid going to places that are too dusty like construction sites or old dusty rooms.
At home i try to keep my windows closed on windy days to prevent dust from coming in. I also make sure my bedding is clean and dust-free. These small steps help me manage my dust allergy and live more comfortably.
Dealing with a dust allergy can be tough but by staying aware and taking precaution i can managed it well. I hope my experience helps others who may also be dealing with allergies.
I am inviting friends @napito @abdullahw2 @lirvic