Health Matters; (My Worse Hospital Experience)

in hive-168205 •  7 months ago 

If there's one of the few things I love Steemit contests for, it's that they make me remember some old things that I have forgotten about, and this topic happens to be one of those things.

Well, sit down, relax and grab your popcorn as I share one of my worse experiences in the hospital but before I go ahead, let me invite @basil20, @uduak3287 and @ahsansharif to participate with us.

What made it your worst hospital visit?


As we all know, we go to the hospital to receive treatment whenever we are sick, injured or having any form of discomfort in our body but in this situation I was perfectly fine. My purpose in the hospital that day was to donate blood to my cousin, that was admitted in the government hospital.

My cousin is a sickle cell patient and was rushed to the hospital when her crisis started. Her eyes were turning very white and the doctor said she needed blood immediately. My uncle quickly sent for me because he is aware that I’m a general donor and my genotype was “AA”.

Upon reaching the hospital, my uncle called his elder sister to inform her that her daughter had been admitted and needed blood immediately. My aunt refused because of her religious beliefs and because she heard I was the one donating the blood. She used to see me as a very bad boy. Probably, she thought my blood would corrupt her daughter’s blood or maybe give her an infection... Lol.

She was insisting they give her “maltina and peak milk”, that she will get better that way. My uncle and other cousins that was present in the hospital were so angry, my uncle ended the call and told the doctor to go ahead with my blood test, that he will handle her when she comes back because my cousin health was deteriorating as time went by.

This is where the whole drama started…

How were you treated by the hospital staff?

Since is a public hospital, no staff cares at that moment. They are all busy attending to the multiple of patients there. Even the things that are free and provided for by the government, they will still sell it to people, so that they can make money off it.

In fact, when I got to the blood bank, the first thing that welcomed me was a man screaming at the top of his voice that he needs his blood back. His wife has just given birth and the bill they gave to him was too much. So, he pleaded with them that since they have some of his blood in their blood bank that they didn’t transfuse to his wife, they can do a little bargaining by keeping the blood and reducing the bill for him, so he can pay up and take his wife and the new born baby, home. They refused!

That’s was what prompted the screaming, that he needs his blood back and he wants to drink it… it actually made me laugh, meeting the scene. I really don’t know how they later settled it but from that moment, I knew I was in for a long ride.

Any specific challenges you faced?


When I went to the place were they will test my blood to check for my PCV level and If there is any infection. I met two nurse there. One was a matured lady and the other one was a very pretty young nurse. My mind told me to meet the matured nurse but I refuse to follow my heart, I was blinded by this beautiful young nurse.

When this lady put the syringe needle in my hand just to take a little of my blood out for the test, I saw hell fire and came back. The pain was so unbearable, I wanted to scream but because people were around, I had to swallow it. She’s luck she wasn’t a male nurse, I would have screamed at him. Few minutes later, she came back with my test results, that i passed and gave me a sit to wait for her.


I was still there nursing the previous pains, when I saw her coming out with a syringe 4 times bigger than the normal syringe she used previously to take my blood for test with a blood bag. I stood up, told her I wanted to take a pee and I ran for my life. The nurse was too pretty to hurt her feelings but on the other hand, I can’t sit down there and watch her stab my hand again with that syringe needle that is as big as a pencil head, No way!

Unfortunately, my cousin's life was at stake. So, I had to summon the courage and tell her, in the most polite way possible, that I would prefer if she handed the instruments over to the older nurse to handle the rest. From her countenance, she felt a bit sad that I’d rejected her taking my blood, but I couldn’t take that risk with such a big needle. I might faint this time.

How did you feel during and after the experience?


When the matured nurse took over, everything went smoothly. Her experience in the business spoke for her because the pain I felt with the big syringe when the matured nurse used it was far less painful compared to the pain I had with the normal syringe, when the pretty nurse took my blood for tests. I felt that pain for 2 days in that hand.

My cousin got the blood she needed and in no time she was getting better. Her mum had to leave Abuja to Port harcourt to be with her daughter at my place. They base in Abuja but her daughters schools in Port Harcourt.

But if there is one thing, I have learned from this experience is that I won’t allow any fine young nurse give me injections or take my blood for any test again. Whoever have to give me injections must either be a matured lady or those young girls that use to wear glasses because it seems the fine ones don’t use to pay attention in lectures.

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