Health Matters (06); Blood Groups

in hive-168205 •  6 months ago 

Hi, Steemians.

Dear friends, how are you, I am fine, I hope you all are also well, enjoying the full joys of life. Here in my dear community, a great competition is organized, which is related to our blood group. We know that there are basically four groups and all of us are attached to one group or the other by blood. It makes us think and we grow further.


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What are the main blood types and how do we know which one we have.?

There are four basic blood Types A, B AB, and O. Each Blood Type is based on The Antigens And antibodies present in the Blood.

  1. A (A) Group: In this blood group "A" antigens are present on red Blood cells and "B" antibodies are Present in plasma.

  2. B Group: It has "B" antigens on Blood cells and "A" antibodies are found in Plasma.

  3. AB Group: In this blood group, both "A" and "B" antigens are present on The Blood cells and no Antibodies, are Present in the plasma. This group is called a universal Recipient" because it can Take any type of Blood.

  4. O (O) Group: It has no antigens on the blood cells but both "A" and "B" antibodies are present in The plasma. This group is called a "universal donor" Because it can be given to any other Blood group.


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Apart From these Blood types another important factor is the "rhesus" (Rh) Factor which can be Either positive (+) or negative (-). If a person's Blood contains the Rh protein their blood is called "positive" (+), and if not, it is called "negative" (-).

How ​​to Determine Blood ,type

To determine The Blood Type a Blood Sample is taken and specific antibodies are applied to it. If The Blood cells React with an Antibody it indicates that the antigen is present in The Blood. For Example if the Blood Reacts with an "A" antibody, it means the blood type is "A".

This test is Done in Most Medical Centers and helps to determine the Correct blood type and Rh Factor.

Why is it important to know our blood type?

Knowing the Tlood group is important because it is a very Helpful in various medical conditions. The First And Foremost reason is Knowing your Blood type is Important if you need a Blood ,Transfusion. Not every Blood type is compatible with each other and Transfusing Blood of the wrong type can have serious and life-Threatening consequences.

Another Reason is that knowing blood group is also useful in medical emergencies. For Example if There is a Serious injury in an accident and an immediate blood Transfusion is required, if you know your blood type, quick and accurate treatment may be possible.


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Blood type information can Also help you monitor your Health. Some blood groups are more or less susceptible to certain diseases. For Example people with O blood group may have a lower risk of Heart disease while people with AB blood group may be more susceptible to various diseases.

Knowing the blood type is also important when you are planning to become a parent of children. If the parents' blood groups are not compatible, it can have health effects on the children, such as Rhesus disease.

Finally, knowing the blood group is also important in the process of donating and receiving blood. According to your blood type, you can know which blood you can donate and which blood you can receive, helping you save lives.

In short, knowing your blood type is very important for your health, treatment and helping other people.

How do blood types affect our health and why do they matter in medical treatments?

Blood Groups Affect our Health in various ways and are of great importance in medical treatment. Different Blood Groups such as A, B, AB, and O, Are classified based on the Antigens and Antibodies Present in the Blood. Each Blood ,group has, its own Characteristics that Affect the Health of the person with it.

Significance of Blood Groups:

  1. Blood Transfusion: Blood group compatibility is very important during blood transfusion. If a Person is Transfused With the Wrong blood type Their body may Reject of The Blood which can lead to serious consequences such as breakdown of Blood cells liver or Kidney failure or Eaven Death. Danger


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  1. Pregnancy and Blood Groups: If the blood groups of the mother and baby are different especially if the mother is Rh-negative and the baby is Rh-positive then the mother Antibodies against the baby may be formed in the body which may have a negative effect on the babys health. This condition is called Rh-incompatibility.

  2. Immune System and Diseases: Different blood groups are immune to or susceptible to different diseases. For Example people with blood type O have a lower risk of heart disease but may have a higher Risk of some other blood diseases.

  3. Other Health Problems: Blood Groups are also associated with various diseases such as cancer diabetes, And certain types of ulcers. According to Research, people with blood group A have a higher risk of stomach cancer.


Knowledge of Blood group helps doctors during treatment. Blood type is taken into account in Blood Transfusions organ transplants and sometimes even prescribing certain Medications. Similarly knowledge of blood group also helps in diagnosing health problems and planning treatment.

Thus, blood groups not only have different effects on our health but are also of great importance for medical treatment.

Why are some people considered to be universal blood donors while others can receive blood from only a few?

Some people are called universal blood donors because their blood has Characteristics that are compatible with the blood of almost Everyone else. When it comes to blood type, humans have four major Blood types: A, B, AB, and O. These groups are further divided into Two categories, Namely Rh+ and Rh-.

Universal blood donors are usually people of O- (O-negative) group because their blood contains neither A nor B antigens nor Rh factor. Because of this, their blood can be given to a person with any other group, be it A, B, AB or O, and whether they are Rh+ or Rh-.


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Conversely, some people can only receive blood from certain blood groups. For Example people with group AB+ are called universal recipients because they can receive blood from any blood group whether it is A, B, AB, or O, and whether Rh+ or Rh-. But if ones blood type is A, he can only receive blood from A or O group, and if he is Rh-, he cannot receive Rh+ blood.

All These cases are due to Antigens and antibodies present in the Blood which Determine Compatibility Between different Blood Groups. If someone is Given the wrong blood type their immune system can reject it, which can be fatal.

i would like to invite @josepha @chant @stef1 @wilmer1988 to take part in this contest

Here is Contest link

Contest Organiser @sahmie

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Caramba amigo muy buena explicación,está muy detallada la importancia de conocer nuestro grupo sanguíneo y más que todo en caso de alguna eventualidad saludos

Thankyou so much for your feedback

Amén 🙏🫂 saludos


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Muy buena tu explicación. No sabía que los grupos sanguíneos podían volverte predispuesto a sufrir enfermedades cardíacas, e incluso cáncer. Muy interesante el dato. Cuando el bebé tiene diferente grupo sanguíneo al de la madre se le conoce como "eritroblastosis fetal". Me gustó mucho tu post. Saludos.