Your ideal weight contest

in hive-168205 •  2 months ago 
Do you have or suffer from a problem with your weight? Tell us

I am about 21 years of old. My weight is about 65 kg and height is 5.7 feet. I was worried about about my belley fat. Than I started some exercise to reduce the fat. Than I thought I should check my BMI.
After this I was pleased and much satisfied from it.
I am satisfy with my weight.

How do you control weight gain or loss in your life?You suffer from

When I feel that my weight is increasing,I took some measurements instead of worrying. I took simpley and for granted every matter. We should tackle all situations with perseverance.
I started exercises and walk. I played cricket and took part in sports. I used to decrease food intake. I increase the time between meals.
The thing about weight gain or loss is no matter for me . My weight is in between 60 to 66 kg from last three years.


If you are suffering from weight gain you should perform exercises , reduce your food intake and perform more physical exercise.
If you are facing the issue of weight loss , you should focus on your nutrition. Take food which is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Take supplements and monitor your growth.If after such you are not improving you should consult with your nutritionist.



You suffer from some problem in your metabolism. You know some pathologies

Some times I faced the metabolic problems like diarrhea and constipation. The diarrhea is due to contamination of food. When food is contaminated by Bacteria like salmonella and streptococcus. When your are suffering from this try to use probiotics (yogurt) and antibiotics like metronidazole. For water deficiency use dextrose intravenous.
Constipation is due to more reabsorption of water from large intestine. Use luxatives like duphlac syrup.

What is the concept of "Ideal weight"?

The ideal weight refers to the weight which is suitable to individual's age, height,body performance and other factors.
The ideal weight is according to BMI . When the value of BMI is between 18.5 to 24.5 this is considered as ideal weight but when it's value is above this this is obese and when it is below this is under weight.
We should not be worried and for granted such things but to some extent.


You are currently at your ideal weight, and if not, what are you doing to reach it?

My weight is about 65 kg and height is 5.7 feet . I am 21years of old. I calculate my BMI the value is 22.4 and it falls in Normal range.


At the end I will conclude with this weight gain or loss take place with the passage of time . Sometimes when are suffering from disease ,our weight begin to reduce and when we reduce our physical activities and intake more more food. This will cause obesity and you know obesity is mother of many disease like diabetes.



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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

While reading this, I thought of one of my cousins who put to birth about a year ago. For some reasons, her body had grown twice as big and has refused to get any lesser.

Then we have another friend who gains weight just by breathing air. She rarely eats much but her flesh adds up every passing day. We tease her about it though (can't help it sometimes) while the skinny ones just wish they can borrow some pounds from her.

Truth is, hormones play a role in increasing our body size as well. But our lifestyle determine our body mass and weight.

Exercising would keeps the body in shape like you suggested. All the best in your weight goal journey.

Yes the main reason behind growth is growth hormone