Contest: Healthy Goals

in hive-168205 •  8 months ago 

Hello everyone, hello Healthy Steem community. Compliment of the season and Greetings from this end to you all. I am v-brainer and today once again i bring you my entry on a contest with the title "Healthy Goals" that is been organised by @dexsyluz in this noble community "Healthy Steem community". Please read carefully as i unveil some of my goals and as well answer some of the contest questions.

What Were Your Healthy Goals For 2023?

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Just like every other year that we make resolution, set goals and make plans for the rest of the year, i had goals at the beginning of 2023 to help keep me healthy and strong for the rest of the year. Though it wasn't easy keeping up to it, there were some that i wasn't able to archive but i still did well anyway and hope to make it 100% or close this year.

Some of the goals among so many others was to do morning exercises every single day when i wake up. This exercises includes; early morning jogging, atleast twenty push-up, atleast fifty sit-up, and body stretching. This exercise was aimed at keeping me fit, increase my height, make me look more muscular and give me a general good look to my body.

Another goal i had was pertaining to my food intake. I planned on taking animal protein atleast once a day no matter how small, take fruit atleast every day no matter the type, eat balanced diet everyday, eat at the right time and include vegetables in my diet. This very goal was one of the most difficult to do because as a student, it all depended on how much time and money i had at a particular time especially for the fruit and vegetables "it's quite expensive around my school environment".

Also i also had the goal of keeping my environment clean and taking my personal hygiene very serious. I had in mind never to use someone else bathing sponge or soap, never to use the toilet without washing it no matter how pressed i am, never to wear an underwear more than a day and never to go a day without sweeping my room or leaving the dishes unwashed. This was kind of easy to archive though because it's something i was already used to.

Can You Say That You Fulfilled Them?

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Setting goals are very easy but archiving them is the real deal. It hasn't really been easy making effort to archive goals, especially that which concerns health because some can be out of your reach due to unforeseen circumstances and so like the saying goes; "do your best and leave the rest to God" comes into play. I did my best and can say i archived about 70% of all my health goals and couldn't completely fulfil some.

For the goal of exercisimg everyday; i was able to keep to my word and it was only few times when i was sick, times when i travelled at night, times when i attended church programs like night vigil and some other inevitable situations that made me skip some days. My physic is somehow close to what i wanted it to be like though my height didn't really increase, guess i grew passed the growth stage but i will keep pushing no matter how small it adds up 😅.

Where i had problems and defaults was in the food aspect. As a student, we do have marathon lectures atimes, no time to eat sometimes talk more of to cook or prepare something to eat. Things where so expensive around my school area and so sometimes i couldn't afford to buy fruit, vegetables and even some basic things that will make up my balance diet. So money and time was one of the major limiting factor to archiving my proper feeding goals.

It was so easy archiving my personal hygiene goals because it is something i was already used to just that i made it better in 2023. I made sure to keep my environment clean at all times, I washed my clothes regularly, i always wash the dishes after use, i always wash the toilet before and after use and i also didn't make use of public toilet throughout last year.

Will you set new goals for 2024? Tell us what they are

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Goal setting is like a driving force that keeps me going and infact without setting goals, i feel like i do not have a direction or focus just like a sailor without compass or map. Before the year 2024, i had already made plans and set goals on the things to archive this year, things i should stay away from, habits i should stop by all means and so on, now it's up to me to keep the fire burning and stay focused.

Well my health goals this year didn't really change just that i increased the task to do, especially on the part of doing my daily exercise. I planned to increase my push-up limit to forty per day, eighty situp per day and also increase the time of my morning jogging. Aside from all these, i also intend on reducing my sugar intake this year and also work more to make more money so as not to default my goal of having a daily balanced diet.


Health is Wealth "so they said", for me i think health is more than wealth and shouldn't be taken for granted. Setting goals on how to take care of our selves and health is one of the best decisions to make, it won't be easy to archive but trust me it is worth it. So urge us to take it very serious.
I will like to invite some of my steemian friends @joymm @ishayachris and @solexybaba to share their view and post thier entry on this contest. Thank you all for reading through🤗❣️.

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Salutations, @v-brainer! 🌟 Your unyielding quest for well-being in 2023 is undeniably a fount of inspiration! 🏋️‍♂️ Amid challenges, your steadfast devotion to daily physical endeavors and personal hygiene radiates. Achieving a laudable 70% milestone merits applause. Sincere anticipation for surpassing your aspirations in the coming year! 🚀💪

Thank you so much @aprendeconkevin we keep pushing and making effort to archive our goals no matter what. Fhank you for your comments. I really appreciate 🤗❣️


Kudos on achieving a greater portion of your goals last year.

I feel like many people in our environment here in Nigeria can relate to the vegetable and fruit cost. It's only cheaper in village areas but here in the city, it cost an arm.

To a better 2024!

Hola querido

cada vez que pienso que trazarme una meta sobre el ejercicio me pasa lo mismo que tú, hay situaciónes que impiden que lo haga. Por ahora planeo hacer ejercicio en casa este 2024

Gracias por participar, espero estés muy motivado a cumplir con tus metas saludables en este nuevo año 2024
