Health Matters: My Worse Hospital Experience.

in hive-168205 •  7 months ago 


A hospital is a place where medical attention is given, it is a necessity in every community because the need for medical attention will always be there and the health of the people should be prioritized.
In my State we have Federal hospital which is the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, State hospital like Ibom Specialist Clinic, Missionary hospital which is that owned by a Church like St. Luke's hospital and then Private hospital which is owned by people like Enwongoabasi Hospital and so on.


What made it your worst hospital visit?

My worst hospital experience was at the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, it was my worst because I lost the patient I accompanied there.
We arrived at the accident and emergency unit at night because the case was a matter of urgency. On getting there we were asked to buy a card and follow the normal procedure which we did after then our patient was attended to. The patient depreciated health wise and was placed on oxygen, after all the stress and battles the patient sadly gave up the ghost in the early hours of the morning. It was my worst experience because that was the first time I lost a patient in the hospital.

How were you treated by the hospital staff?

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Being a Federal hospital, the medical practitioners were quite many, some were so rude, some polite. I engaged in conversations with the polite ones in order to know possible solutions and acquire knowledge. Some were really amazing especially the guy who was in charge of oxygen, he really gave me a lot of assurance and was so supportive . The guy was an average guy in terms of age but so nice, he had to be the nicest I met though we lost connection after then.
Some of the rude nurses stepped on my toes but I just ignored because I was focused on my goal which is getting my patient out of there.

Any specific challenges you faced?

Yes, I faced a lot of challenges like poor hygiene. The hospital was always giving off a very offensive odour because of poor management and lack of hygiene. Though there were cleaners but I think the odour was because the patient per ward were so many and some had open wounds, so it was really a terrible experience.
Another challenge was the lackadaisical attitude of some of the workers especially the male nurse I encountered, he really got to my last nerves but I'm grateful for patience and the grace not to react.

How did you feel during and after the experience?

I felt so bad after the experience because after all my stress and everything my patient died, I was traumatized and shocked I couldn't even talk. I cried for hours in the hospital but I just had to pull myself together and take the patient to the moturary.
In all I learnt gratitude to God because the number of people who died right from the day I went to the day I left was really scary, I learnt gratitude to the source of life because it's not easy.
I also came to the conclusion that good health is really underrated because people do not know the value of good health and sound mind. It's really not an amazing experience in the hospital, people with diverse issues and problems.

Thank you for reading my blog I invite @adachukwu, @goodybest, @zekanem to participate in the contest.

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