CONTEST ENTRY:Breast cancer awareness@waqarrubab

in hive-168205 •  last year  (edited)

Greetings everyone.Awareness about breast cancer is very important as it is very common in every other women.I would like to take part in this Contest organized by @mesola.

Breast cancer awareness (1).png

edited by canva

My own mother was the patient of breast cancer and she died when i was just 5 years old. I have seen my mother going through the pain.So i never want that any women or men in this world go through this pain of breast cancer.First of all we all need to understand what breast cancer is.
So i will share it's awareness with all of you.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a form of cancer which starts in cells of breast.It can occur in both men and women but it is most common in women.It starts when abnormal cells grow in breast and produce a form of tumor in it.It can cause lumps or swelling or changes of shape in the breast.


What causes breast cancer?

There are many causes of breast cancer like genetic mutation.
Hormonal imbalances
Family history ad genetics
Higher age like more than 55years can also increase the risk of breast cancer.
The most common cause of breast cancer among women is genetic mutation.
Being overweight can also be a risk of breast cancer.

What can you say about breast cancer four stages?

Four stages of breast cancer
0 Stage
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3

All these stages have different characteristics and different treatments

0 Stage:

The most earliest stage of breast cancer is 0 stage.In this stage the cancer cells are only in ducts or lobules and have not spread in other nearby tissues it can be treated early.
Ducts :It is a part of breast tissue like a small tube which carry the milk from the lobules to the nipples.This stage ofter doesn't cause any symptoms and can be detected through regular screening.

Lobules :These are the small glands that produce milk in the breast

Stage 1:

At this stage the tumor is small and has not spread outside the breast.symptoms of this stage can include a small lump or thickening in the breast or change in shape or size ,nipple discharge or redness on skin.

Stage 2:

In this stage tumor is large and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes lymph nodes are small bean shaped organs that are part of human body's immune's symptoms can be a larger lump in the breast or armpit and breast pain.

Stage 3:

In this stage tumor is very large lymph nodes and possibly spread into other tissues of breast
It is a more advanced stage. Symptoms are same as in stage 2.

Remember treatments of all these stages are available and no one should lose hope. And should always stay strong.

What are the possible ways to prevent breast cancer?


One's should be aware of his/her family history of breast cancer if there is any than he/she should consult to doctor about genetic testing and other's screening option
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle healthy diet healthy weight and doing exercise can als help in prevention of breast cancer.
If you feel any kind of pain or any minor symptoms of breast cancer or change in the shape then you should go for checkup self examinations and Mammograms can help in detecting cancer at early stage.
Avoid alcohol consumption completely to prevent yourself from breast cancer.

My mother was the patient of breast cancer due to lack of awareness about she lost her life i am sometimes scared but i never had my check up . Writing on this topic by studying on it actually helps me a lot to understand more deeply about the breast cancer. I will definitely try that i also go for my genetic test and additional screening options to the doctor Thanku very much @mesola for organizing such an informative Contest.

I would like to invite
To take part in the contest.

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Hola amiga, el control médico es fundamental para ser detectado a tiempo, éxitos