Hello my friend am so happy to be participating in this contest, this is the problem we are facing in different countries and we need to stop it, I wish everyone all the best in this contest
Have you ever experienced a road traffic injury?If yes then when and where?
This contest is very important to so many people, by the special grace of God I haven't experienced any road accident but I have seen some of my friends who has been a victim of rood injury. Am Nigerians and so many people knows that, I stay at ifa big junction in akwa ibom state, people in akwa ibom state will who are living in uyo will know the place, where I live is at someone village, in this village I have seen so many soul who has fallen a victim of that. This accident which I saw with my eyes do happen everywhere. I don't know how this happened but a mini bus happened to hit a big truck which was coming and everyone in that bus was injured, the worst thing was that the driver was hit to death, his hand and other part of the was was splitted into two, it was so disgusting looking at him, but I felt bad for him.. I really thank God for what he has been doing in my life....
What was primary precautions you take right after getting road injury?
With the writing I have made so far I said I haven't been a victim of any road accident but if I encountered any body with this I will immediately take the person to the nearest hospital or if there is a nearest fist aids I will treat the person immediately. But it is very important to take advice from a professional or from a doctor. If you encounter anyone that is seriously injured I will advise the person not to do what he or she doesn't know, the best thing that should be done is to call a doctor or anyone that's an expert. The worst injury that can happened to a person is having an injury in the spinal cord. I will advise, if you meet anyone that have this don't try to carry the person, call for help, this person you are calling must be a doctor that have experience in that. That's all I have to say..
How much road accidents can be severe?
I will say road accidents can be serious, and this may lead to fatalities. Due to the WHO road accident are leading to many lives which has been lost . According to my research more than 20 to 50 million people has been injured though cars and other factors. This can be caused by drunking man and so on.
Thank you very much for responding to my entry I really appreciate I will love to invite some of my friends to participate in this contest the include @newekemini5 @ekemini001 @mesola.. thank you for reading once again...