Health Matters (03); Body Mass Index (BMI)

in hive-168205 •  2 months ago  (edited)





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to write for this contest that is running by @sahmie, here is the link if you are also interested:


Body Mass Index


We all heard the three letters BMI, nowadays we know what it is but it was not long ago when people would just ask you: What do you mean w. BMI?

Here I wanted to present you a simple way how to calculate BMI and it is an easy way to know where you are, if you have overweight or maybe underweight. The table make it easy to find your BMI looking at upper bar with weight and vertical on left with height.





What do you think BMI measures and why is it important?


When we are young the body has high metabolism process, that means what we eat can easily be used as an energy, because we are active, doing sport, going to disco dancing, jogging and moving a lot.

What happens when we get older? We then have families and do not go out for such activities like dancing, night clubs, parties. Most of the evening we spend at home in front of television, that also means sitting comfortably on sofa, the evenings are the same length and we often have an appetite for something delicious like chocolates, crisps, ice-cream. After that we go to bed, so the carbohydrates are not burnt because our muscles did not do much work but the energy will be saved and the best what body does is to convert carb into fat and store it for later, for bad days :) Without knowing we gain weight slowly, slowly but our BMI is going up. That is why without paying an attention to it we definitely slowly drift into dangerous for health area of high BMI.


How can knowing your BMI help you understand your overall health?


When BMI is low that means your body receives not enough nutrients that our body needs for healthy muscles and for being able to perform physical work. The same if the body has low BMI that means our brain also receives less energy for effective work, we are less concentrated, sleepy and not able to do our work too.

As to high BMI, that is something that slowly will cause storage of fat in our vessels causing plaques and heart disease. Also having more food that we eat could exhaust our pancreas, the gland that is producing insulin, long term it could cause Diabetes, because the body can not work out the whole food.

Knowing our BMI we can pay attention and adjust our diet in order to keep ourselves healthier.


Do you think BMI is the best indicator of a person's health status? Why or why not?


BMI is good indicator of our health but there are weaknesses in some situations like:

  • physically trained athletes, who have more muscle mass
  • pregnant women, we can not apply BMI to them
  • also it should be a difference between male and female
  • there should be consideration between young and older people


What are some ways you can improve your BMI if it's not in the healthy range?


There are some way to improve BMI:

  • make sure that you do not take much carbohydrates
  • try to grow your muscle mass with exercises
  • regular check your BMI at least once a month

Movement is essential to keep you healthy, do not forget about your health.


I invite following users for the contest @yahnel, @meriseptriyanti @sahar78

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Informative post! BMI is a useful indicator of health, but it's important to note its limitations. Focus on nourishing your body with a balanced diet and regular exercise to achieve overall wellness, rather than just aiming for a specific number. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, you are right it is important and useful tool but as everything we should interpret everything in eveyr single case

Absolutely right 💗

Saludos amigo el tema es muy interesante ayer casualmente estaba leyendo un artículo sobre ese tema, ya que con los años la masa corporal se va perdiendo

Saludos y gracias por la invitación bendiciones 💛💙❤️

I think we all used BMI on some occasions it is indeed very helpful when loosing weight, good guide

Thank you for supporting my post :)