Health Matters; Hyperhidrosis, Causes & Treatment

in hive-168205 •  3 months ago 

Hello friends, welcome to my blog! Just for the highlights, hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes. excessive sweatness, and this could be categorized into primary and secondary causes, given the level of symptoms. Let's have the discussion done on Hyperhidrosis.

What are the common causes of hyperhidrosis, and how do they differ between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis?
Primary Hyperhidrosis:

This is typical of this condition with necessarily having to be caused by any underlying condition. In getting to know the causes of primary hyperhidrosis, we have to note that this may come from genetic inclination. This is where family background and history play a vital role.

We could also likely identify primary hyperhidrosis through overreactive sweat glands, where they function indiscriminately without any identifiable cause per se. Thirdly, primary hyperhidrosis could. Also be caused by Triggers such as stress, harsh climatic conditions, or lifestyle.

Secondary hyperhidrosis:

Unlike primary hyperhidrosis, secondary hyperhidrosis is underlying conditions. It is usually traced to one medical disorder in the system. Some of the common causes of secondary hyperhidrosis include medication conditions like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, neurological disorders, infections like tuberculosis, and menopause.

We can also see that our medications could likely trigger this condition. Medication of certain drugs or antidepressants and pain relievers could be major causes of secondary hyperhidrosis. Hormonal changes can be seen to also contribute to this medical condition.

Key Differences
Primary HyperhidrosisSecondary hyperhidrosis
Sweating usually happens in feet and palms, underarmsNo specific place of occurrence. Happens everywhere on the body
No traceable medical underlying causePresence of underlying medical condition.
How does hyperhidrosis affect the daily lives of those who experience it?

There is no doubt that this kind of condition, be it primary or secondary hyperhidrosis, comes with some distortions in our daily lives. Let's get to see some of these distortions;

  1. Social Interactions:
    I have a friend who finds it difficult to exchange handshake pleasantries due to excessive sweating on the palm. Imagine a secondary issue where this is all over the body, it invariably drives stigma and discrimination.

  2. Professional Career:
    This may be another disruptor in our professional journey. There is clear interference on how much we could progress professionally due to fear of sweating while on stage and in a public speaking space. This brings discomfort and disoriented composure.

  3. Indulging in Physical Activities:
    Ordinarily, we sweat when we exercise, but a case of this happens even without a physical activity, it becomes more of a concern. This is a case that questions our hygiene status.

  4. Clothing Lifestyles:
    People with such disorders may be prone to changing clothes frequently, which is also the cost of purchasing more wardrobe replacements. This also streamlines the kind of clothing types we go for. We have to choose strictly clothes that hide this when it occurs with having traces.

  5. Mental Alertness:
    This raises the anxiety and depression levels of the individual. The constant worry about its occurrence after the mental stability of the individual.

What treatment options are available for managing hyperhidrosis, and how effective are they?
Treatment UseEffectiveness case
Use of topical antiperspirantfor mild and moderate cases; arms and palms. Effective byt with consistent use
Use of Oral Medication like anticholinergic medicseffective in the overall general sweating condition.
Use of Botox injectioneffective for primary hyperhidrosis cases.
Use of Iontophoresis (Electrical Currents)To be effective, several sessions have to be done for the common sweat cases.
Surgery procedureseffective for severe cases where sweat glands are either removed or cutting problematic nerve triggers
How can lifestyle changes help individuals cope with hyperhidrosis symptoms?
  1. Clothing Choices:
    Clothing choices that allow the body to breathe and remain cool rather than heat up should be ideal. The cotton and other loose-fitting materials should be used.

  2. Improved Personal Hygiene:
    The use of antiperspirant deodorants and timely batting can help improve hygiene and lower the effects of hyperhidrosis.

  3. Dietary Needs:
    We have to avoid diets that are more of triggers and generate generators when consumed. We know the effects of caffeine and alcohol in this category. We can hydrate to reduce the rise of body temperature.

  4. Stress Management & Temperature control:
    We should learn how much to engage in structured activities that help reduce stress levels and anxieties. In the same vein, avoid heated environments but rather stay in cool, airy, and air-conditioned spaces.

What are some misconceptions about hyperhidrosis that people should be aware of?
  1. Misconception - It is a mere sweat, due to Fat:
    We easily misconstrued that it is just normal sweating and overlooked the real fact behind this. We are quick to say it is just fat or body size stature. We have to think medicinally and avoid defending symptoms.

  2. Misconception - It is from poor hygiene:
    This is not a hygiene issue. Rather, people in such conditions maintain high hygiene levels.

  3. Misconception- Only occurs in the armpit:
    Hyperhidrosis happens in various body parts. and not just in the armpit.

  4. Misconception- It is a rare and serious medical condition:
    The primary hyperhidrosis comes without any underlying medical problems. Millions are having this issue.

  5. Misconception- Only happens to heated areas, Nervous and anxious people
    Hyperhidrosis happens without triggers from heated areas, physical activities, or being anxious and nervous. However, these are control measures to reduce its effects.

Knowing this misconception would enable us to know how best to handle incidences of this nature. Our physical actions and being intentional about this condition can help us have absolute control of it.

Thank you.

I invite @missyleo, @chant, and @ukagod.

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Can it be written more than this! nop I doubt.

Moreover I've found very interesting point and views to ridicule with here.
There's no doubt that the primary hyperhidrosis is mostly from either genetics through hereditary which then traced to the family background as one of the traits passed to the next generation. The secondary hyperhidrosis is one caused due to instances like medical disorders, certain disease attacking the system and etc.

I've learnt that the primary hyperhidrosis are more likely to occur around the palm, toe and armpit while the secondary occurrence is not specific and so the rate of discomfort is more likely higher here.
This do affects an individual lifestyle such as Official duties, social engagement and many more. Thus the need to receive necessary assessment and treatment are paramount either through drugs, surgery, adjusting if lifestyle and so forth.

For the misconceptions, knowing and have a better knowledge will help direct on choice and what basics to consider.
This is more like a little summary of the context and I must say I've been able to learn Even more better and broad on this term Hyperhidrosis

I so much enjoyed this and good luck 🤞 sir.

That was a full-blown summary of my post. Thanks for finding value here.

The pleasure is mine sir.