Frozen Artwork - Connecticut's Ice Crystals

in hive-168279 •  8 months ago 

Frozen Artwork - Connecticut's Ice Crystals

Hello to all you warm people out there!

Here in Connecticut, it's the dead of winter. The recent plunge in temperatures has turned the landscape into a frozen tableau. The other morning after a night of extreme cold, I wandered out back to find the freeze/thaw cycle had left behind an accidental art installation!



Sparkling with frost, the grass and trees were dusted in glittery ice crystals that caught the sunrise light. But even more fascinating was the backyard stone and leaf litter utterly transformed. Water droplets on the decaying oak leaves had frozen into an icy shell, Spinellesque in appearance. The various pebbles and rocks scattered around were now sheathed in textured cocoons of ice as well.



I hurried back inside to grab my phone camera. Macro focusing on the tiny frozen worlds, I clicked away capturing images of this ephemeral artwork from Mother Nature. Tiny forests of icy shards bloomed from the surfaces of leaves. Rocks wore lacy cages of feathered hoarfrost. It was exquisite!



Unfortunately, once the temperature climbs back up, this fragile beauty will melt away in the blink of an eye. So I wanted to document the magical designs while they last as a reminder of winter's wonder.



I hope you enjoy perusing the chilly closeups! Let me know if bitter cold has created any dazzling icy artpieces where you are. For now I'll enjoy this accidental gallery while it lasts, until Connecticut decides to warm up again.

Stay cozy my friends!





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