8 Things That Hold You Back From Achieving Your Goals!

in hive-168362 •  2 years ago  (edited)


One person can never become successful in achieving ones goal until and unless he tries. But unfortunately the fear of failure holds back many people from even trying! The fear of failure is a very prominent thing that exists in every individual when ever he goes out to try new things. But we must overcome this fear if we want to become successful in life.

Excuses and postponements are another strong reason that holds back a person from become successful in life! We are not active enough to have a dymanic approach in our lives, our patterns are very luke-warm. Because of which we end up creating our own hurdles. We are always ready with excuses and reasons as to why we should take time in taking actions. We go on postponing important steps and decisions. Lazyness tends to overpower us.

Self confidence lacks in many of us, we just simple lack the belief in our ownselves. And because of that we get easily demotivated by other peoples opinions. Most of us don't realise that we get easily negatively influenced by the point of view of others. And we start developing a lack of belief kind of mindset in our ownselves. We simple lack the confidence level that is needed to be our best selves. And until and unless we bring our best sleves up, it is difficult to become successful in any path that we follow.

Do you get easily diverted by thoughts? Do you start one thing and then jump to another without going deep in the the thing that you started first, then your are lacking focus. Until and unless you have a focused mind it is difficult to go deep into things. Only by going deep we have the total understanding of the path. Lack of focus deprives us from gaining a full understanding of the path that can lead us to success.

Many people often make the mistake of begining a business without having a proper planning. Proper plan helps you to set a proper direction and gives you clear understanding of the path that one person is following. Without proper planning a person can feel completely lost and aimless!

I don't thing I need to explain this point in much detail. Plan your path, overcome your fear of failure, take actions and start executing your plans. Beacause not taking any action will lead you nowhere.

One must always review ones progress and make the necessary adjustments. Self analysis is always important, for it is through self analysis one comes to know about ones shortcomings weakness. Only after knowing ones shortcomings and weaknesses can one work upon them, not by hiding them.

One must not expect instant results! One must wait patiently and wait for the result. We are not ready to wait, we all want instant results. It takes time for results to reflect, it all depends on how much hard work and dedication we have put in. So results take shorter time and some may take longer time, but all results take time. We often give up too easily when we don't get the result. We must learn patience!

Thankyou for reading my post, I wish you all happiness and peace in life 💝😊🙏

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