Was my Singularity painting Prophetic? My quail are growing strong

in hive-168689 •  5 years ago 

Having a closer look at one of my Singularity pieces from last year gave me a chill:


as I noticed the fellow I included in the background.

For those who don't know or remember I started a series of works entitled "The Singularity"

oddly enough I was first inspired to do so when I had joined Steemit and began by engaging in the fun art challenges. I believe the first one that had me considering my love of ancient portraiture with a melding of tech was probably a fun Art Challenge by @juliakponsford.

Anyway, my point being that the interaction online in the Old Steemit gave my art mind more creativity

but I digress... Back to this piece.

Here it is in it's full state (though just thumbnail size of course)


Now my storyline for this series goes something like this:

The world found itself meeting at the point between machine and biology. Organic and mechanic merged. The talk of the Singularity often is discussed when one mechanical can be added to improve the human animal or human consciousness can merge with or be added to with tech.

My storyline gave hints at a post of this Singularity

and I love the idea of people this post Singularity world with creatures part machine wondering at their own existence. Yet in this piece, I had an inkling to 'hint' at what lead to the POST Singularity world and the idea of the old 'plague' doctors and a biological moment halting all but those who somehow were more 'created' remained.

I suppose it's rather a lot of storyline for artwork

but I like to think of these types of works (my love of portraiture) to be a sort of single moment in a greater story. And of course the Viewer can make up or see any story they choose.

My main love and artwork is often animals in cute or funny situations

but in a way it sort of works with the dichotomy of my own thinking. I love a good joke and feel a good natured moment can be the most treasured thing, yet one also can be broody and moody and peevish and with introspection, dark storylines emerge; and I rather like that pairing of creative choices I've imposed upon myself.

Well, that is enough blathering on from me

lets end this post with a quick peek in my Garden/Animal obsession with my now almost fully grown quail.


I showed you in the last post how adorable they are in their chick state. Yet, I love the beauty of them as adults as well.

And the Roos have a lovely plaintive cry. It is very much a 'wild bird' call and I adore it. IF you were to hear it you'd not take a second notice as it would be indistinguishable from other wild bird sounds, which make Quail a great city or urban type of egg and meat production bird. They take up little space, hatch easily in 18 days and in 8 weeks they are already to Lay eggs! Whilst Chickens take between 6 to 8 months to lay.

Don't get me wrong, I'd never be without Chickens,

But these fellows just have something about them that seems almost magical. I'll end with the Rooster Quails cry, though out of context like this it doesn't do it justice, (this is not my own quail but a borrowed youtube clip)

One must imagine this cry early in the morning,

with the dew on the lawn and the fog rising up from the sea onto the grass. The wild birds are beginning to make their own calls in the trees and shrub whilst the gulls plaintive cry echos in the distance. That is when it is at it's most magical.

Until tomorrow I hope all have an artsy day

or find a moment, in this odd New World to sneak outside and listen for a bird call, any call. They might be louder now more than ever, as our Lockdown continues.



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